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The rain falls violently to the ground, mixing with the dirt and forming great mud pools. These pools seep through the wire and into the trenches where I stand, The rain makes my vision blur but I do not blink as I gaze into the mess of mortar holes and barbed wire, far past my vision's border, lay the enemy waiting with bullets that wield our names. I raise my Lasgun back up to my chest as our commander walks back down the line and into the hole in the ground to discuss plans with the other commanders. Hours grind by but I stay standing and unblinking, the small amount of sun we were blessed with that day faded, and the chaos of night set in, The rain still falls on drowning any noise made. I think I see movement in the distance and raise my rifle while checking again. There is nothing...had I seen things?, no I see it again the slight jerky movement of barbed wire popping up after getting cut. I jump down from the trench wall and rush over to the commander quarter's "Sir movement in no man's land, I believe the enemy is pushing upon us", the commanders all rise and rush back outside with me to check the spot I had seen the wire move, I wait behind them at attention, "On the wall Krieg the enemy is here" they say as they draw their swords. I jump back onto the wall and ready my rifle, behind me the high-ups run down the line instructing the other soldiers, soon we all are at the wall aiming into the foreboding night and rain.

{The only Redemption found, is in the cogs and bolts of war}

The swords are raised and the whistles readied, then we see them rise from the mud and charge, time seems to slow as they charge, and as the swords fall and whistles blow, The drops of rain stop it seem and all I can hear is my breath and my prayer "May Redemption be Mine oh Great Emporer". Everything flies back to motion and hell is released, laser red flies through the night illuminating the hellscape, and the chaos infantry charges forward-firing blindly into our lines. Three of them charge towards me and I take aim, one falls as the laser slices through his head incinerating the bone and brain, I only see the gore spray of blood and grey matter for a second before the hundreds of rapid lights consume the scene, the next goes down when I blast 2 shots into him, one in the gut and the other in the neck, but the last one jumps down on top of me.

I crash into the muddy soupy bottom of the trench, a lightning bolt flashes through the sky and the enemy above can be seen in full color for a moment, his bayonet rushing down to my head. I roll over to the side and stand quickly, I pull out my shovel and start the chain blade edge, the whirring blades barely hearable in the flurry around me. I raise my shovel and charge the chaos scum, He barely dodges and attempts another stab at my gut, I sidestep and slash the chain blade across his face, a blood spray coming with it. The chaos troop drops his gun and raises his hand instantly, he looks at me through his broken mask, his eyes pleading for me to spare him, with a cold stare hidden by my lenses. I swiftly swing the shovel at an angle into his neck his blood sprays and bones shatter as I pull the shovel into his chest, his scream drowned by the ceasing gunfire. I pull the shovel from his chest, blood sprays onto my suit and the corpse falls to the ground, I retrieve my gun and take my place back on the trench line. Bodies now litter the muddy ground yet I stare forward into the murk with no emotion, "EQUIP BAYONETS!!" the words rush over the wasteland like a clear wind. All those on the line do as ordered the sound of metal clicking and the readying of arms is the only sound heard besides the rain, The Commissar walks to the Trench wall and climbs with no fear, He reaches into his coat and pulls forth a whistle. Seconds go by then minutes, finally, the whistle blows it sounds like a blaring engine of a ship entering space, but I do not falter I jump from the trench and into the waste charging forward into the night.

The sound of footsteps shakes the earth as we charge the lines of the chao's soldiers, Their guns fire upon us in a fury my comrades fall around me but I still charge. I fire into their lines as I run not knowing if I hit a single shot, *For the Emporer, For the Imperium* I say to myself quietly. I drop my gun and pull my shovel out once again and I jump into the trench line guns pointing at me and the faces of heretics.....

[Even in Death We Serve...]

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