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I had been trying to help my brother and sister out. It has been 3 months since I found my son. And to see J, so happy with him had me going at it as much as I could.

Last night I had found an old friend of mine, while hunting and he mentioned that there was a secret home where hybrids lived, and could be adopted. I tried not thinking about it while I ran there. I waned to take a look to see if there was one that looked like them.

When I got there I was meet by a big old lady named Kate.

"Hello son, nice to meet you. I have been waiting for you. I have just the to children for you. I know you were only looking for one, but my gut told me that when you saw one of my boys, it would remind you of your father, and take him to, so I have prepared them both. " huhh how, I don't get it.

"Uhm okay" I smiled kindly at her.

Man I was confused. How in the world could she know all this when she was still human? Was she somehow like Alice, yet not?

Hmm okay then.

She led me to a room where I saw 8 kids. To of them where playing with a dollhouse it was a boy at age 5 I think and a girl no older than 2. It looked like he was protecting her and they were laughing together. And she was right. The boy looked so much like Carlisle. It was weird just how much. But the girl looked just like a mix between Alice and Jasper. How lucky could one man get.... I was the man!

-------- 2 hours later ---------

We were almost home now. I just had to call Edward. I had planned this with him and Rosie

Ring, ring.

'Yes Emmett' Edward answered.

'were on our way' I said back to him. ' Oh and a slight change in plans. I have found the perfect one for mom and dad. Just let Rosie know please. We will be there in about 20 minutes.' I hurriedly added. and hung up. I couldn't wait to get home.....

Rose's pov.

I can't believe that I had a son. My own baby to hold and love for ever. I don't think that I have loved Emmett more then the day I saw him hold Christopher. I understood him completely when he told me that he was ours and not just mine. Emmett was his father and was the one that found my sweet sweet boy.

I had seen the way my sister Alice and mom looked at him and was really exited about our plan for them. I knew that they dreamed of having what Bella and I now have.

Edward had just told me that Emmett would be home any minute now. And he had one for Carlisle and Esme to. This would make them so happy.

I have really changed since I got my son. Now he is all I think about besides my man of course.

Oh I can't wait to see their faces.

Emmett and Rosalie's Son. Small short story. completedWhere stories live. Discover now