The Locks on the Doors.

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Our new home was perfect just the way it was, we didn't change a single thing.
My only mistake was that I should've changed the locks.

The Locks on the Doors.

My Husband, Max, and I love our new house. It's perfect, with air conditioning, a working washing and drying machine, and even a working freezor and refrigerator. We're so lucky, especially because we thought we were going to have to buy all that!

My parents tried to convince us to paint the outside or redo the floors, but we love it just the way it is. We're not going to change a single thing.

Today, Max and I decided to go out and buy some furniture for our living room, and we met a guy named Philip. We chatted awhile and discussed our new home. He got excited and asked us if we were in the gray house by the field, and we, shocked, said yes.

"How did you know?" we asked, very confused.

Philip laughed and replied, "I live in the dark brown house across the street."

Max and I laughed and told Philip we should hang out sometime. He smiled and mumbled,

"Sooner than you think."

We said our goodbyes and promised to exchange numbers next time we saw him.

After we got back home, we put our new couch in the living room. We looked over at the house across the street and smiled to eachother.

"We should visit Philip tomorrow," I exclaim to Max.

Max shakes his head, "I think we should get some of our belongings from the movers."

I agree with Max and we make dinner. After eating, we head to bed.

In the morning, I walk downstairs to Max making eggs and bacon. We chat and eat our breakfast. I get dressed and grab my keys, and kiss Max goodbye. I head off to get some of our packages, but stop at Philip's house to say hi.

I knock on the door and wait for an opening. A frail women opens the door and looks at me.

"Can I help you?" she askes me.

"Sorry to disturb you, May I say hello to Philip?" I respond.

The women looks at me, like I'm crazy.
"I apologize, but no 'Philip' lives here."

"Oh, uhm, I'm sorry then."

I leave the house porch and start to think. If Philip doesn't live there, where does he live? Or maybe he got the houses mixed up. Even so, how did he know where we live? The past owners of the house left the day before we came, and we didn't have any moving trucks come to the house, so it would be fairly difficult to notice somebody moving. I suddenly hear a scream,


I turn around quickly, and realize that it came from my new house. I run back to the door, which I know I left locked. The door is still locked, but I can still open it. I forget about it and rush inside.

Then, I see it.

Philip holding a knife over Max. There's blood everywhere and my world is getting foggy. Philip walks over to me and pushes the knife into my chest. I feel myself getting lighter, and blood rushing out of my body. I look at Max, who is out cold. I turn slowly, using all the strength I have. The door is still locked, but Philip opens and closes the door still.

I thought our house was perfect. But I should've changed the locks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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