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Ugh! Why did I miss the 7am bus? Now I have to wait for another 15 minutes and I would definitely be late in class by that time.

This is the time I am regretting  doing cramming. I would've not be sleeping around 2 am if I just did that damn science project last week.

Now here I am with my un-ironed floral dress, standing awkwardly with a big storybook in one hand. Who in their sane mind would ask a high school student to make a big story book as a science project? This is one of the thousand reasons why I never liked that Science teacher. Damn you Mr. Levi! Ugh.

While waiting for the bus to come, I noticed something falling on my bare arms. Like little drops of wat- "Holy cow!" I exclaimed. It's going to rain!

I looked for a shed or something. I can't let myself to get wet especially this big project I made overnight!

When I was about to make a run for the nearest coffee shop for a shade, a bus suddenly made a halt in front of me, and I quickly made my way inside just as the heavy drops of rain poured down. Phew.

But just as I thought I was saved, I cant find a vacant seat. I narrowed my eyes to check carefully every seats, but all I can see where the heads of people sitting on them.

Right. So now I have to stand and wait for someone to get off. Just not my day. Screw this.

The bus is now on its way and I am impatiently waiting for someone to offer me their seat or something. Like, hello, I'm a damn girl with a dress awkwardly standing here and holding my dear life to just a handle.

Fortunately, a lady got out and I immediately make a run to the seat but all hell broke loose when a guy quickly sat on that the same seat.

"What the heck?" I asked unbelievably but this black haired guy just ignored me.

"Hey mister! Can you please get out? I got here first! Dammit." This guy's getting on my nerves.

But like what he did, he ignored me again. What's the problem of this person? "You're impossible." I exasperated.

When he was not making any move, I gave up and decided to just move forward and wait for another vacant seat.

But just as I was making my steps forward, an unexpected happen.

A strong arm encircled and grabbed my waist from behind and I landed on my butt on someones lap.

And that someone - yes, that guy.



Author 。

Please comment of what's your idea about the first chapter. This is my first ever English story and please help me guys make this a success. Pretty pleaseeee.

If you're wondering why it's so short, I decided it to be just like that. After all, this is just a short story :) hopefully you'll wait for the next chapter, I'll give you, uhm, strawberries? No, I'll think of another offer. Hahahaha! Strawberry's my baby :p

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