Band world building/Scenarios

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Mainly did this because I had these OCs in my old RP book and I loved them so much I wanted to bring them here and change up a few things. Hope you like them!

In this world there's a band called the Elementals. That is because each member takes after a element. The leader of the band Alex, Aka Air, created the band. He met Fox and Ethan in college and found Will after setting up auditions for being a guitarist of the band. They're a town band so they're not too well known yet but Alex wants the band to be worldwide famous like his fathers band Hellfire. It overall takes place in a modern world but in a sorta made up town in whatever state because they are part of the US.

Band members

Alex Wilson- Lead singer

Fox Harlow- Drummer

Will Evans- Lead Guitarist

Ethan Moore- Bass guitar

Scenario 1: You recently have heard of the small town band and wanted to join. You never had the chance to play in a band but you always had a talent for the guitar. That's why you wanted to be the rhythm guitarist for the band. How are you going to join? Do you go to school with Will or to college with the other three? Are you going to talk to one of the four?

Scenario 2: You were childhood friends with Alex and enjoyed hearing him sing. When you heard he created a band you were excited and wanted to do something but unfortunately you didn't have the best musical talent. When you brought this up with Alex he suggested that you could be the manager which means you could help the band with any business decision and help plan out performances and tours. What do you say?

Scenario 3: I'll come up with more later but for now make one up!

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