Chapter 3

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Muriel: Eustace, what are you looking at?

Eustace: I think it's a weird orange guy.

Robot Jones: What exactly does he look like?

Eustace: I think he has one leg, a really big and black mustache, he's orange all over.. he kinda reminds me of Krader and Slumbo.

Slumbo: Well, we could just talk to him instead of standing here talking about him.

Eustace: Alright, fine.

The group of toons then walked over towards Balk, who was attempting to wake up Uncle Grandpa.

Balk: Hey, dude! It's time to get up! Hello?

Krader: Hello orange guy!

Balk looked at Krader, and then he looked at the other toons nest to him.

Flain: Hey, dude.

Balk: Wait, who are you guys?

Krader: I Krader, he Flain, he Slumbo, he Eusrace, she Muriel, he Robot Jones, he Flain, he Courage, he Scorpi, he Robot Jones-

Flain: Didn't you already say my name?

Krader: Yep!

Uncle Grandpa then woke up from his sleeping position and sat up to see the toons in front of him and Balk.

Uncle Grandpa: Sorry, what's going on?

Balk: Those guys are introducing themselves.

Uncle Grandpa: Oh, great! Can you introduce me? I forgot my name and probably everything else as well.

Balk: Ditto.

Muriel: ...Now how will that work? We also don't know who you are.

Uncle Grandpa: Nicknames, that's how!

Krader: Ooh, okay! *points at Balk* You "Tap-Tap" and *points at Uncle Grandpa* you "Peachy"!

Uncle Grandpa: I agree, that nickname sounds amazing!

Balk: Yeah, I'd like to be called "Tap-Tap".

Eustace: Can we get back to the point now?

Uncle Grandpa: What was the point?

Eustace: To introduce ourselves!

Muriel: But we already did that.

Eustace: I know! ...Oh, right.

(A/N: This chapter ain't done yet so just wait.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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