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I'm back!! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas :) Now, let's get back to the fanfic!!


2:24am. I've been staring up at my ceiling for the past four hours, with nothing but Jaden on my mind and the dinner that I'm attending to with my family at the Waltons' house.

It's always been a tradition to have dinner at the Walton's when it's my birthday. It started when me and Jayla became friends all them years ago and she invited me around her house to have dinner when I turned six. Since then, I guess it just stuck.

It was ruined last year though because Ava was invited last time—not by me, by Jaden. He brought it upon himself to invite her over, they were "just friends" at the time, and they got together just after my birthday.

I remember that day quite well actually—when they got together, I mean. I remember feeling angry because she was, and still is, the most annoying girl I have ever met, and yet Jaden still liked her. And then I try to speak to him and I get insults.

I groan and turn on my side, remembering that I most probably have to see them two again. On my birthday, may I add. I'm turning sixteen and I just can't be bothered with this shit. Can't a girl just get a break from drama?


I wake up to the sun blazing through my blinds and I go to sit up, only to moan at the tension in my neck. Fuck, I must have slept funny.

What a way to start off my sixteenth birthday.

Getting out of my bed, I go to the bathroom and do my business before brushing my teeth and taking a shower. After I'm nice and fresh, I put on some black cargos along with a white oversized tee. I randomly throw on a pair of red Jordans before making my way downstairs and smile at my mother and sister holding a huge sign that says the words "Happy sixteenth birthday, bitch!".

I laugh so hard that I have to clutch my belly, "That was Stella's idea, wasn't it?" I cry whilst they both nod their head with a smile.

"I preferred it without the bitch, but Stella said you'd like it more this way, and well, it is your birthday, so I thought 'why the hell not'." My mother smiles whilst she gently places the sign down before bringing me into a big hug, Stella joining in moments later, "Happy birthday, baby." My mum mutters into my hair before gently placing a kiss onto my head.

"Thank you." I pull away from the group hug with a smile on my face as I turn to Stella, "So, wanna go on a skateboard stroll?" She grins at my question before she rushes upstairs to get her skateboard.

Me and Stella aren't all that similar, but the thing we do bond over is skateboarding. We've always done it since we were little. Me and her can even do tricks on them now.

Stella rushes down the stairs moments later before she's dragging me out the door.


Skateboarding didn't go so well when Stella got stopped by her friend and I had to walk home on my own. Somehow, time had past quite quickly after that and me, my mother and sister were already standing outside the Waltons' house at seven o'clock on the dot.

I breath in before my knuckles meet the door, only seconds later it opens, and I'm greeted with a smiling Jessica, "Happy birthday, Leah!" She brings me into a tight hug before releasing me, "You look beautiful," she smiles, "Please, come in. Dinner is already ready." We walk into the kitchen to see that dinner has already been served and I'm met with surprise when I don't see Ava sat at the table.

There's two free spaces on either side of Daelo, and only one free space next to...Jaden. "Stella, you can sit next to Jaden, I'll sit next to Daelo—"

"Oh? But I saved this seat just for you," Jaden's mocking voice greets my ears as I slowly turn to meet his gaze, "I was really excited to sit next to the birthday girl." He leans his elbows onto the table and rests his head in his palms, giving me a sarcastic smile.

I bite my lip to prevent me from saying anything I'll regret later and slowly make my way over to Jaden. Once everyone is seated, we dig into Jessica's delicious pasta whilst all of my attention goes to how close I am to Jaden.

Mid way from taking another bite, I almost drop my fork onto the plate when I feel a hand being placed onto my knee. "You know," Jaden leans into my ear whilst he plays with his food, "I found it rather rude when you left me in school the other day." He mutters whilst he mindlessly draws circles onto my kneecap.

"Is that so?" I sarcastically bite out whilst I knock his hand off my leg, "Well maybe you shouldn't lie about getting back with your ex then? You know, it's one thing not to tell me, but it's another when I have to find out from her." I snap before I suddenly push my chair back, startling everyone at the table.

"I need to use the restroom." I excuse myself from the table, ignoring Jaden's confused face, as I walk down the hall and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

How could he tease me like that, at the dinner table, when he is back with his girlfriend? He's crossed the line this time. The audacity this boy has is ridiculous, he needs to stop playing around with me because it's starting to get on my last nerve.

It's either me or her.

I scoff under my breath, "As if he even likes me," I mutter, "I'm getting way to ahead of myself."

I dry my hands on a towel after I've washed them and open up the door to see Jaden there about to knock. Well, isn't this ironic? I've been in this situation one too many times, "Leave me alone."

Jaden huffs, rolling his eyes, as he pushes me back into the bathroom and locks the door behind him, "Make me." He says in a sarcastic tone whilst he leans his back against the door and folds his arms over his chest.

I mimic his moves and lean against the sink and raise my brow up at him. He sighs and drops his arms, "Look, I don't know what that crazy bitch told you, but we are not back together." I laugh under my breath as I push my back off the sink.

"Why are you such a fucking liar? I swear to god, Jaden, if you lie one more time, I'm actually going to go mad. You kissed her at the party after she cheated on you! You said you still like her after all that she's done! It's always going to fucking be her! When is it ever going to be my turn to have you!?" I shout in his face, my chest rising and falling harshly with my hands clenched at my sides.

Jaden's face stays emotionless before he's right in front of me with both of his hands gripping the sides of my face before his lips harshly smash onto mine. I don't kiss him back at first, still trying to process what's happening, before I eventually melt into him. My mouth molds into his before he gently pulls back, a small whimper leaving my lips at the loss of contact. He leans his head against mine as he we are both gasping for air, "Would you just shut up? You've always been a drama queen, you know?" My face heats up in embarrassment and I take a step back, only to be pulled back into his chest, "Hey, I— fuck, don't go. I didn't mean to say that." He whispers whilst he places his palm onto the side of my jaw.

"What are you doing, Jaden?" I ask pathetically. He sighs and drops his hand, "I don't know," he admits, "I'm just as confused as you." As we stare at eachother in confusion, something dawns on me.

Jaden Walton just kissed me. Me, the girl he always picks on. The girl who annoys him beyond belief. The girl who was always going to be second best... was I even an option to him? Did he even like me the way I like him?

As loads of thoughts rush through my head, only one thing is for sure, I wanted to kiss him again. And again, and again.

I wanted to be the girl who he would choose over everyone one; I wanted to be his first choice. I wanted to be the one he wanted; I wanted to be better then Ava. But, was that ever going to happen?

I'm not sure if I like this chapter :( I feel like I could've done the kissing scene better. I'll probably re-write it at some point.

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas though🫶🏼🎄✨

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