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My eyes dart open from the dream I was having. I hear an alarm, so I slowly heave myself up. There is smoke everywhere! I let out a scream. I need to leave! I grab my macbook and my hairbrush and jump out my window. Just as I land outside my house collapses into a heap on the floor. A lifetime of memories, gone in seconds. Then it hits me. My parents were in there. I scream once again. 'MUM?' No reply. The fire service are behind me now. 'DAD?' A police man is pulling me away. 'MUM! DAD!' I am in an ambulance, and they are telling me I need to be checked out in case of me breathing in too much smoke. 'Mum? Dad?' I wimper. 

Hai! And thankyou for reading! This is a story I posted ages ago but deleted because I didn't really want to write anymore, so I am re-writing! Woo! Please Vote, it makes me happy :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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