1. I dont wanna get married

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The chattering and giggling around Bin na didnt even reach her ears. It all faded out not being able to enter her fuzzy mind.

She was surrounded by people she called 'Family' but that word felt alienated to her. The word gave her no warmth nor any sense of emotion.

The food in her plate lay cold as she just played with her chopsticks keeping her upper body calm while shaking her legs down the table in anxiety.

''And Bin na, what are you upto these days ? You are the age of marriage, have you found a groom yet ?'' One of the 'relatives' asked her turning all heads on the table to her. She hated this topic as much as the others loved to bring it up every 'family dinner'.

She had just opened her mouth to reply but her father put forth his favourite hobby of shutting her up.
''Yes ofcourse. She is in talks of marriage with someone.'' Her father said smiling at her which made her more than uneasy. If she could, she wanted to jump off a cliff, or maybe even better, push these people off that cliff.

She hoped onto every word her father said that it would be a lie he made up to the relatives. But a big part of her knew that her father isn't someone to bluff about, especially about a crucial topic like marriage.

''What ?'' Bin na managed to blurt out which everyone including her father ignored.
''She will be meeting him tomorrow and if things go well, you'll soon be attending a wedding.'' Her father said chuckling. Bin na was internally panicking. 'If things go well' ? Her father doesn't care about that. If he's decided to get her married to that guy, he will.
''Oh that's a wonderful news ! Our Bin na is finally getting married.'' The lady who started the conversation clasped her hands in excitement.

Bin na felt like throwing up. She wanted to walk out of the room, which she proceeded to, making the room silent as her father looked clearly crossed about it. But she couldn't care less about anything. She didnt want this marriage. In fact any marriage. Especially after what she's suffered growing up, marriage was never in the option list.

She was always binded by rules and limitations, growing up. But this wasn't what she would settle for. She didnt want this marriage and that was final. With all these thoughts in her mind, she accelerated her way to her only friends house ; Jung han.


''It feels so good to have Hae jin back.'' Gwang nam said as the three raised a toast.
''Seriously, it felt so empty here without you.'' Jung han agreed.
''Wow. I wasn't expecting such heartfelt confessions from you both.'' Hae jin smiled.
''So, how's singer Gwang nam's debut preparations going on ?'' He further asked looking at Jung han.
''Im working on it.'' He replied shyly.
''You have to make me a star since you promised to & that too in front of my family.'' Gwang nam said chuckling.

''I think Jung han should be a scouting agent rather than my manager. I feel he would bring in good talent.'' Hae jin complimented him.
''Thank you so much but I wont be leaving you to yourself any soon. No one else can handle your scandals like me.'' Jung han said laughing when his phone buzzed. He looked at the name that flashed at the screen then glanced at the time. He received the call with a worried look.

''What happened ? Is everything fine ?'' Jung han asked worried from the other end as everyone in the room looked over to his concerned face. With passing seconds on the call he stood up immediately startling everyone.
''Okay, its late so get inside. You know where I keep the spare keys right ? Im on my way.'' He said disconnecting the call as he started picking up his stuff from the table in front of him.
''What's wrong ?'' Hae jin asked.
''It's a friend of mine. She wants to meet me right now.'' He replied putting on his jacket not noticing Gwang nam's intense stare on him.
''It seems like an urgent matter, i'll come with you.'' Hae jin said getting up.
''It's alright, she might be drunk too. I dont know.''
''Then you definitely need my help. I was about to leave anyways.''

On their way,

''Who is this friend anyways ? I never knew you had any friends besides me and Gwang nam.'' Hae jin said steering the wheel.
''She's a really long time friend of mine. No one knows her.'' He replied nervously looking out of the window.
''Is it the one standing in front of your house ?'' Hae jin said pointing to Bin na's figure which was facing her back to them.
''Yes, it is. Goodness, why is she waiting outside when I told her to get in. It's literally past 12.'' Jung han said worriedly as he released himself from the seat belt.
''You sure you dont need my help ?'' Hae jin asked.
''It'll be fine, thanks. I'll see you tomorrow.'' He said sprinting towards the girl whom Hae jin eyed from his seat. All he could see were her dark brown straight hair moving to the breeze. He drove away when he saw the two fade in the distance.

''Yah, Bin na ! I told you to stay inside. Do you know how late it is. And what are you--'' Jung han paused when he saw Bin na's face, she looked like she would break down any moment.
''Bin na.... Are you alright ?''
''No. Im not.'' She said trying to not choke on her tears.
''Let's talk upstairs. It's cold outside.''


Jung han handed Bin na a hot cup of coffee, she looked composed now.

''What happened Na ? Tell me what it is. Did your father find out about your job ?'' He asked carefully not wanting to trigger her to crying again.
''He's asking me to get married. Sorry, he's not asking, he wants me to.''
''What ? What does he want now ?'' Jung hwan asked furrowing his eyebrows.
''The power, the wealth, there's a lot I can name. Im sure it's just one of those conglomerate sons who know nothing about business or life.'' Bin na said with a expressionless face.

''But you aren't agreeing to this, are you ?'' He asked worried Bin na might feel helpless and do something she doesnt want to.
''No. Definitely not. I did not sign up for any marriage.'' She replied confidently.
''But I doubt your father will take no as an answer....'' Jung han trailed off for a few seconds then started smiling.
''Why are you smiling like that ?'' Bin na asked questionably.
''I have a plan.''

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