chapter four

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Jack was freezing his butt off in the pouring snow with about 12 other people, all waiting for the next shuttle to the hotel.

Jackie slowly came out of the airport, ok Jack's, think wisely here, "what should I do" she thought to herself, the light jacket she had on her shoulders but did not fit zipped over her baby bump was not keeping her warm or sheltered from the heavy cold snow that was pouring down from the dark sky above.

She walked over to the few people that was still waiting on a shuttle to the hotel.

A few minutes later Jack had grown tired of standing in the freezing cold" I wonder if I could get a taxi and get the he'll outta dodge" he said to No one in particular.

" I was thinking the same thing" Jackie whispered

Jack looked over at Jackie, she was standing there holding her baby bump and gently rocking back and forth.

"Here, have my jacket" Jack said has he took his jacket off and wrapped it around Jackie.

" thank you but you will freeze to death" Jackie exclaimed.

" I will be fine" Jack said as he stood a little closer to Jackie as if to shield her from the cold and snow.

Finally the shuttle came barreling onto the parking lot and stopping in front the small crowd of people.

The people started climbing onto the shuttle til their was only one seat left.

"You go, I will catch the next one" Jack told Jackie .

"OH no it's ok, you would freeze to death and than I would feel horrible" Jackie said.

"And if you froze to death I would be to blame" Jack said.

The shuttle driver hollered from the driver seat" this is the last shuttle for the night".

"You know what this is crazy, neither one of us needs to freeze to death" Jack exclaimed as he opened the front door of the shuttle and sat down.

Jackie just stood their looking awarkward and was about to turn away as she felt hot tears stream down her cheeks.

"Wait, come on" Jack said as he stuck his hands out the shuttle door and gently pulled Jackie towards him and onto his lap and he pulled the door behind him.

Jackie was surprised but probably not as surprised as Jack, what was he thinking or doing, pulling her onto his lap like this, as the shuttle started moving slowly down the road.

About 15 minutes later they pulled up in front of a hotel.

Everyone jumped off the shuttle at record speed expect for Jackie who was trying her best to get out of Jack's lap and out the door without falling. Finally she was on solid ground again and facing Jack.

"Thank you" was all Jackie said as she and Jack walked into the hotel lobby.

" no problem" Jack said.

Inside the hotel lobby was so many people, some had rooms just waiting for the elevator to arrive to carry them away. Some however did not have rooms so they were making themselves at home in the lobby.

Jack allowed Jackie in line at the desk in front of him.

What felt like an eternity but was really about 10 minutes it was now Jackie's turn to ask for a room.

" I have one room left and it's 35$" the red headed women at the desk said.

"OH" was all Jackie could say as she got out of the line in front of Jack and walked toward the hotel door.

" where is your wife going, sir?" the red head asked jack

" um,, she's not my wife and I have no idea where's she's going, I will take the room for me and my girlfriend, who just went outside" Jack said as he paid for the room and was handed the key.

He than quickly ran outside.

"Where are you going"? He asked Jackie who was wondering thru the snow.

" My apartment isn't too far from here" Jackie said.

" your gonna freeze to death, come on back inside with me" Jack pleaded as Jackie slipped on some ice and fell to the ground.

"OH my God, are you ok"? Jack asked as he gently took her by the hand and helped her back onto her feet.

"Yes, I am fine, baby girl is mad at me thro" she said as she was kicked hard from within her stomach.

"Come on, let's get inside" he cried.

" I don't have enough money for a room and there was way too many people trying to sleep in that lobby" she said.

"It's ok. We're gonna share a room" he said as he pulled her back into the warmth of the hotel lobby.

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