The worlds not black and white

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Derek POV

He steps back and sits on the stairs with his face in his hands shaking his head "no no no y-you died. You died....this is another nightmare. no p-lease stop, stop!" he kept shaking his head and i took a step closer "Gen its me Derek." "no no" "its and Laura weren't at home when the fire happened. Its me Genim please." I had tears in my eyes as i knelt in front of him. He looked up at me and a small smiled tugged onto his face. He put his hand on my face and i leaned into the touch as he spoke "You changed." "You did too." "You have more muscle." "you still have more than me." "I was always taller." "I was younger." "I was smart." "I-I wasn't that dumb." he chuckled and then got that look peter gives you before he embarrasses you and at that moment i remembered my pack was here "I was top."

I cleared my throat and stood up growling at a laughing Peter. I looked at the pack and they all looked amused to which i scowled. Jackson stopped bleeding but didn't heal. I stepped out of the way and Stiles saw Peter. He jumped up "Dad!" he jumped hugging Peter as Peter hugged back "Hey cub." "You're awake! Since when ?! Why didn't you tell me?!" "Cub you left and a lot of things happened."Genim looked down and stepped back "I'm sorry for leaving you dad. I was trying to find Kate Argent and kill her but then found out she was killed a few years ago." Peter smiled "Thanks to me." Genim smiled playfully punched Peters arm "That's awesome dad!"

Lydia spoke from where she stood "Hello? Help? pack down." i looked at her then realised all of then were won the ground "Oh yea come on." we helped them all up and the sat down. Instead of his seat on the stairs Peter sat sown next to me and Genim stood behind us. I thought it would be better to introduce them first" Um Genim this is my pack Scott McCall, Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Ethan Steiner, and then we have Lydia Martin a banshee and a huntress Allison a-Argent." Genim growled at her but Peter stopped "Genim stop." at that he huffed and crossed his arms

"Ok fine um..hi my names Genim Stilinski but you call me Stiles." They all nodded and Jackson shouted "I'll call you bitch! Why did you claw me! I'm not healing!" Genim spoke calmly though he looked angry "I'm sorry but you attacked first so i retaliated." Jackson growled and Genim rolled his eyes "Calm down I'm sure Deaton has something though you'll probably have to answer a riddle to get it. That cryptic fucker." Peter laughed making Genim smile. Erica spoke next making me want to rip her throat out "Who are you? Like you come in here all hot and mighty. and emphasis on hot." How is Boyd not throwing a fit?! I growled "Erica watch it" Genim laughed and stood behind me playing with my hair making me relax "I'm Peters son." they looked shocked making Peter laugh and continue

"Not my real son. Genims' mom and Talia were best friends Claudia was a weretiger along with her husband Noah, they died when Genim was five i took him in since he spent most of his days with the Hales either way since he hung out with Derek, Laura and Cora. He was the one that saved me from the fire." they were still shocked but Ethan spoke "Why are your eyes green?"

"UM...weretigers are known to be the most powerful supernatural creatures. We don't need pack and normally don't go looking for one. You see a normal weretiger matches the strength of a werewolf alpha. Our eyes, like werewolves have different colours green like mine means I've killed the normal and pure weretigers eyes would normally be an orange colour and on the occasion you get an alpha weretiger their eyes would have a gold rim to their eyes like mine."

He flashed his eyes and you could see a gold rim around the green. Isaac spoke next "Who did you kill?" Normally Genim would snap when people asked that but he looked at Isaac "Y-You don't need to know kid." Isaac nodded. Genim asked the next question "Der you said you and Laura both survived where is she?" Lydia laughed at the nickname and Peter gulped making Genim glare him "What did you do?!" Peter got up facing him "I just woke up from a six year long coma i didn't know it was her i just knew it was an alpha and i ran for it."

Genim groaned "why am i not surprised, you know i actually liked Laura, if you got past her bitchiness." Scott jumped up staring at Genim "Just like that!?" Genim looked at him "Just like what?" "He killed her and you just leave it. why?!" "Kid in my line of work death is normal, hell in the supernatural world death is normal. I hate to tell you kid, but the world isn't black and white there are other colours that make it terrible but on the other side there are colours that make it beautiful too." Scott looked confused and Genim sighed" I'm saying that in the supernatural world like the wild we fight to survive, if pushed we kill. Its how the world is. There are things like hunters.." he growled at Allison before continuing"...that make life hard and scary. Bu there are things like family, friends, love that make the world a little less scary and make you much better. Do you understand now? As long as you have those three things, no matter what you do you're never alone." 

Scott nodded at Genim and he smiled back. Genim then turned to me and i stood up speaking first "Nope we'll talk when they go." i turned my back to him and i could feel him smirk as he spoke standing up "What? You think I'll embarrass you? What would embarrass you? Um.. the fact that you bottom?" I blushed as they all laughed and i turned around pointing at him and glaring "Genim no." He smiled taking a step forward "I didn't do anything.. how about the time you you got mad because i was out with a girl and you forgot i told you i had a project with her." i glared as he stepped closer  "Or the time you threw a huge tantrum because your favourite toy broke.. remember Dad?" Peter -who was laughing with everyone else- said "I remember , he sat in his room crying until you dragged him out to buy him something else." I stepped back and hit the wall blushing hard .Tank god Peter spoke "Genim stop you're embarrassing him."

he stepped back pouting at peter "You're no fun  or any different. But like why do you have a bunch of teenagers here?" i cleared my throat and glared at the pack to shut up "They're my pack Gen." He nodded kind of shocked and looked at them "They're kids!  What the hell? You Jackass." he pointed to Jackson who glared at him "Its Jackson." He nodded and ran to Jackson checking his wound "Shit!" he ran to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of what smelt like alcohol and a cloth. i knelt in front of Jackson and ripped Jacksons shirt off making me growl and him smirk at a scowling Jackson who complained "That's an expensive shirt!" Genim looked at him "Did you buy it?" "no." "Then shut up." Jackson nodded and Gen cleaned his wound and bandaged it up before standing next to me "it should heal by tomorrow, don't worry."

I checked the time to see its already 10pm"Guys take your food and go home you have school tomorrow. I'll see you at 4 tomorrow, since the boys have lacrosse." i rolled my ayes at te sport and Genim went to Peter "I seriously don't know why you don't like the sport its cool. You and your basketball." While packing up Boyd asked "You play?"  Genim smiled proudly "I was captain in high school." They all smiled and Isaac spoke "One day you think you can show us?"Genim nodded "Sure kid."

Like that they all left. Leaving me, Peter and Genim. 


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