A Te.

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"Maybe I'll see you in another life if this one wasn't enough" - Florence+TheMachine

"Eyes have a language of their own"- J.B

"At least our paths have crossed"-J.B

"You have a place in my hearth no one else eved could have"- F.Scott Fitzgerald

"Let's meet again, for the first time"- D.J

"I was missing you before we even met"- D.J

"I would choose you in every lifetime" - B.J

"Soulmates aren't just lovers"

"The most beatiful part is, i wasn't even looking when i found you" - Autumn

"I think I'll miss you forevere"- Lana del Rey

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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