Why I'm Avoiding You

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"You wanna know why I don't want to talk to you anymore???? I'll tell you why! It's because you're the WORST! YOU are the problem. You're a terrible, bad person and I don't want to see you ever again. You USE people for your own gain and for what?? You suck. You use Ebony, you threaten Sabrina, you're awful to everyone around you! Jemma and Ebony would be so much better off without you. I don't want to talk to you because I don't LIKE you. And no one should. Do us all a favor and leave them all alone."

Piper stared at the screen in disbelief as the message typed itself out. "Locke?" she ventured shakily.

The cursor on the google document flickered. The keys of Piper's laptop clicked, filling the silence of the room as it typed out one final thing. "Good riddance."

So this was it. Piper had put so much into this friendship. So much into prying her way into the land of the dead. And now here she was, having driven away the only ghost she's ever gotten in contact with.

She reread the paragraph over and over again. "You're the worst", "you're the problem", "good riddance"...was Locke...right?

Venus was the bad person in the dorm. Not Piper. Piper wasn't like them. She wasn't a bad, evil person. She wasn't cruel like them, and she's never...used people...or...done things morally wrong for her own benefit....

Maybe they were more similar than they thought.

Piper couldn't stand being in the room with those words. She got up and glanced at her reflection as she spun around. Who was that?

Studying her own reflection, Piper stared deeply into her own eyes. Were they always that beady? Cold? Are these the eyes of a bad person? Who was this creature in the mirror? What did it want?

She had to get out of there. Piper stormed out of her room and out into the hallway. But her thoughts followed her. Doors to the other dorms lined the walls, reminding Piper of all the other people around her. If Locke knew what she was...how many of her living peers had figured it out? How many were avoiding her because they knew she was evil? She couldn't stay here.

Piper's shoes thumped against the ground as she wandered. The school was dark and empty. Everyone else was asleep. How could they sleep? How could they, when someone as bad as Piper was around? She'd tricked them. Tricked Nita, and Ebony, and her parents, and...Jemma. Poor Jemma.

Once Jemma knew what Piper was, she'd never want to speak to her again. Locke's words echoed through her head. "She'd be better off without you."

Piper kept walking, her thoughts swirling like a dense fog around her head. Should she break up with Jemma? Drop out of school? Run away to live in the desert where she couldn't hurt anyone else?

She stopped walking and looked around. She'd come here without even thinking. Always back to this place. This wall. Looking up, Piper made eye contact with her sister's smiling face.

And then it dawned on her. Locke was avoiding her because she was a bad person. Piper was a bad person. And everyone knew it. So....who else was avoiding her?

Rouge looked down at her, the portrait beginning to blur. Piper's legs struggled to keep her upright as the tears gathered and the truth became clear.

All these years...Piper could never reach her sister. And after all this time...she was her own problem. Locke wasn't the only one avoiding her.

After a good long cry, Piper left the building and continued to wander, letting the cold air slice at her damp cheeks. There was no going back. 

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