A calm birthday

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Quick note before we begin:

This was meant as a dreammare thing, but it kinda turned out more brotherly than I was anticipating, I sincerely do hope you enjoy either way.

Now, lets begin, shall we?
⊱ ───────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ───────── ⊰

Echoing through a deserted room, rang a voice out into the darkness, the only lightsource being a small candle located right in its center. It would appear as if the small room had not been touched in years, for there were boxes, clothes and trash, littered all over the floor, hiding amongst the piles and piles of pillows and blankets placed in a comfortable manner on top of the old, dusty floor.

"Happy birthday to me...~", sang the voice quietly, occasional sniffles followed by large gasps sounding out from the same source.

A darkened yellow metal object laying close by the owner of the sound, gleaming from the small flickeres of light shining from the tiny candle, quickly burning out.

As the light slowly faded away, and the darkness consumed the room once more, the being had curled in on themselves, laying in a fetal position on the floor.
Low cries making their way through the room, calling for someone, anyone to come, to save them from this pit of despair.


But nobody came...

They wept for what felt like multiple eternities, but it was nothing compared to what they've already been through. The cries echoed through the halls of the lonely cottage, no one would be coming, not anytime soon.

No one would be closing the window, which he had forgotten to close. The seemingly non existent gap between the window and the frame was more than enough to send a cold breeze through the entire room, a cold which no ammount of blankets could ever fend off.

As he quietly whimpered to himself, in the safety of the place he during these times called home, far away from pertruding eyes, a low click was heard, echoing through the emptiness.

The door had been opened.

Tearing through the very darkness which had only a few moments ago terrorised the being, was a light. The most dazzling kind they had ever seen, it was hypnotising. And in the midst of the radiance stood a figure, seemingly luminous with an angelic glow.

Someone had come, the heavens had answered his prayers with an angel sent from above, someone to bring him out of this pit of despair.
He reached a hand out towards the angel, hoping that they would wander closer.


And closer they got.

But just as quickly as the light had appeared, it had vanished nothing but a few seconds after, leaving the darkness to consume the room once more.

He wondered what happened to the angel, if they had even been there to begin with.

As they stared off into the darkness, their thoughts came back, slowly dragging them back into the abyss.

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