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Kuea's p.o.v

"Do you even understand what you are doing hia?" I said as lian's eyes went wide looking at me, we are in the middle of the living room, a few minutes ago we were sitting on luxurious couches placed near the fire area, but of course, that was before lian decide to drop this bomb on me, telling me that he wants my son to get married to his business partner so they can merge their business, yes MY ONE AND ONLY SON,

"kuea try to understand baby," he said coming closer to hold my face as I move backward removing his hands, I would support his any decision but not this, never in my life had I thought my husband would sell our son for business

"understand what! That you particularly sell our son for your business" I said unintentionally my words coming out bitter than I expected, he frowned and rub his forehead

"kuea you are getting on my nerves, I haven't sold him or anything, it's just a - he was talking when I cut his sentence with my shouts

"It's just what lian!" I said loudly enough for the whole house to hear, but I don't care, his eye went wide, fear visible on his face after all it was the first time I yelled at him,

"Our son is going through a mental breakdown and you want to put the other torture on his list," I said holding his suit collar as I glare at him, he tried to open his mouth to speak something but I cut him again,

"if you did this! I and my son will leave the house!" I said removing my hands from him as I turned around ignoring him when tears start escaping my eyes, I was wiping my tear when I felt arms wrapping around my waist

"babe just listen to me," he said near my ear it was obvious he was crying too and all of a sudden I start feeling bad, I turned around and hid my face in his chest, hugging him tighter as we both cried,

"hia please, sky is sensitive please don't do this to him, "I said hugging him and he hugged me back tighter, making me safe in his embrace,

"babe trust me I will never force our son, what I'm doing is for his good love, he needs someone to help him, we are his parents or can be his friends but we can't be his life partner babe," he said when I looked at his face and he cupped my cheek wiping away my tears,

"I have seen the emptiness in his eyes love, maybe this will help him, I promise if he didn't like the guy I will immediately call off the deal," he said as I nodded slightly I don't know what to say or think cause lian is right about the emptiness part, I have noticed too, sky is alone,

"who's him," I asked as he smiled and pulled me in a hug, "his name is Pheonix he's kinn's son I haven't met him more than once in a business meeting and he's indeed a polite boy," he said as I nodded against hia's chest,

"I don't know how sky will react" I mumbled as hia hugged me tighter "we will see after they meet," he said and I nodded...


____Main mansion ___

Porchee's p.o.v

We were seated in the meeting hall when kinn decided to tell us he's been thinking to arrange the marriage proposal with wangs, although I'm not surprised cause I saw this coming, kinn doesn't make friends a lot but the way he keeps talking about this wang family I knew something suspicious was going inside his head,

"you think our son will agree to this," I said looking at kinn as he give it a thought rubbing his head, he knows how our son is, and more than me he's the one who has spoiled him,