Second Wave

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The girl yawned a little as she awoke. She looked up as the room still sat dark. Must've been two something in the morning maybe

After yesterday, she and the boys decided to have another stay day

Even though that's what they do on a daily


Hearing the shuffling, (Y/n) took into accord of her surroundings but, surprise became of her eyes once she noticed that the oldest Haitani was holding her head to his chest as if he was the one offering a hug

She wanted to know where Rindou was but, she had gotten her answer by the small snore behind her

And some may ask, why is she shocked? They sleep in the same bed all the time, everytime they sleep

Sure, that is true

But her cuddling Ran. Even though it was really him doing it but still! That, my Friends, isn't the usual



The girl blinked rapdily as she sat up suddenly. She looked around before narrowing her eyes at her bedroom door

Now, what the hell could that possibly be this early in the dead of night?

And so, she grabbed a Golf club and maneuvered her way out of the bed withought waking the boys. See, this is why she has Golf clubs by her bed! This is why they came in handy

She unlocked the door and shuffled out of the room, looking all around to see if anything was different

But, so far...All was fine. Christmas tree was alright, decorative lights were all on, kitchen was clean

Everything was goo-

She froze

Her eyes stared directly at her Parents door, focused on the crack that sat between it and the frame

It was usually closed

She stood still, eyes still focused on that one spot. Ran and Rindou barely went in there since she didn't go inside all of the time

So, why as it open? She didn't remember going in there when they got home


It was silent, she was waiting. One move, that's all that needed to-


She blinked and looked over to the door before going inside her room and locking the knob

Aww, they were calling for her! How sweet!

And as soon as she did so, two sighs of relief had came from downstairs


(Y/n) stared at the food before her and then lift up the note that sat next to it. There was a red platter on her nightstand when she woke up. It had a new kinda of dish on it that she had never eaten


She then smiled softly at the messy ketchup writing ontop


Of course, Ran made it. This was new, she wasnt expecting this from him. Rindou maybe but not Ran. She wasn't sure if he was being weirdly kinky with this nickname or sincere. But, still-She'd take Nee-Chan over it anyday

She then lift up the card and opened it, reading the words inside

Morning, Nee-Chan!

I woke up extra early to make you breakfast, hope you love it!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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