Chapter 8 - Kestek

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     "Aren't you so nervous? Or excited? Or both?"

     Kestek glanced over at Wrija, forcing a smile.

     "Of course I am!" she lied. "Why wouldn't I be?"

     "Exactly!" Wrija beamed. "Oh, I hope we end up in the same group. Of course, Piklof's top of his class, so I bet he'll choose us both."

     Kestek inwardly winced.

     She felt pity for whichever group she ended up in. She was a useless member, as she was a failure in her class.

     Groups were to be made up of five members, and preferably of all different classes. The top students were advised to make their group as diverse as possible, which proved hard for certain species—especially Merrow. In fact, even though the choosing of groups was held near the coast so that merfolk could attend, they rarely showed up, instead making their own groups among themselves.

     Students were not required to attend the choosing of groups, seeing as some classes were most helpful when the student stayed in one place—such as teachers of younger students, or crafters like blacksmiths and glass-workers.

     But any student that wanted to travel and achieve greater things would be present at the choosing of groups, eager to be picked for a group so they could experience the world and maybe save a few lives.

     Kestek had come in hopes that someone would pick her, but deep down she knew it was very unlikely.

     The top student in each class had their marks compared by the headcaptain of The Academy, deciding which order they would be choosing in.

     Piklof was first to go.

     Naturally, he picked Wrija as the first member in his group. Wrija had been at the top of her class for a short while, but she cleverly had given up the position once Piklof had become top in his class so they could be in the same group.

     Wrija fluttered over to Piklof, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Kestek could tell that it was killing the blonde that she couldn't thank Piklof with a kiss.

     Piklof paused as he turned back to the students, apparently confronted by some kind of difficult decision. His eyes fell on Kestek, and Wrija beamed at her.

     Kestek could see the dilemma.

     If Piklof picked her, he would be adding a useless class to his group when he had the opportunity to select someone that could actually be helpful to whatever they ended up doing.

     But Kestek was Wrija's friend, and Piklof didn't want to risk upsetting his girlfriend.

     So Kestek did the only thing she could think of.

     She shook her head, mouthing to Wrija, I'm sorry.

     Wrija looked confused, glancing at Piklof to try and make sense of what was going on.

     Piklof, however, looked relieved. He cast a grateful smile towards Kestek and chose a sprite boy from the hunter class, a warlock from the alchemy class, and an enchantress from the cleric class as his other group members.

     The selections went on. The top student from each class picked four other students for their groups, excitedly hugging their friends, and some of them daringly choosing their crushes to join them.

     Kestek felt her heart sinking deeper and deeper as the numbers dwindled and she had yet to be put in a group.

     But she knew she had nothing to offer any of them.

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