eight : hurt again

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He pulled her close to him, engulfing her scent as he wrapped his arms around her in a comforting manner. She smelled like baby powder and flower petals.

"Ni-ki please..." she pleaded, "Don't play with my feelings."

Don't play with my feelings.

Don't play with my feelings.

Don't play with my feelings.


Hana raised her head to meet his eyes. She waited for what he was about to say but ended up disappointing herself.

"I have to go."

And just like that, she was all alone again.


(Present Day)

Ni-ki's P.O.V

"I'm telling you man, deal's off. I'm done with this stupid bet."

"Just like that? What came through?"

I don't want to hurt her, that's why.

"Nothing. I just thought it was boring chasing around someone so bland."

I'm sorry Hana. I swear, I didn't mean that.

Jino clicked his tongue in disagreement. "But isn't that more exciting? C'mon! Where's the thrill if you give up?"

"I swear, I'm done."

"Aight, whatever you say. Listen man, that Hana girl might seem like a total loser but I swear, she's a chick under all that blandness." Jino playfully nudges me.

I clenched my jaw. If I start acting up, he'll definitely suspect me.

"For fucks sake, can you drop it already? I already had enough of this shit," I smashed the money on his palm.

"Woah there tiger, what got you so worked up? Don't tell me you actually respect her now?"

"I have respect for her and that's it. Drop the fucking subject and move on. You got your money, now don't talk about this bet ever again."

He shrugs. "Whatever man. You're being really weird ever since yesterday. Got any problems with pops again?"

"No, Jino. Tell coach I won't be attending practice."

I grabbed my school bag and car keys, and stuffed my gym clothes inside my training bag.

"What should I tell him?"

"I don't know. Make up a story like you always do."

I slammed my locker shut and left as quickly as I could. Now that I called the thing off, I finally have cleared off some guilt that has been growing on me since yesterday.

I knew I had to talk to Hana eventually.

And I'm going to do it today.


Hana's P.O.V

After Ni-ki left yesterday, I've been crying nonstop. I don't know what it was about him that made me feel so helpless. I feel like I was growing on him. His presence affected me way more than before. I hate to admit it but I'm starting to develop actual feelings for him.

I was, and still am denying that. His actions are just so confusing. When he left me all hanging, I knew my heart broke... because I felt it. The pain.

I couldn't bother to do the energy to go to school, so I skipped again. There was no way I was going to go through this without moral support. I had to call someone.



I beamed upon hearing his voice. "Hi sun."

"Are you still sick?"

"Not anymore. I'm not fully healed yet but I can manage."

"That's good to hear."


The thing with Sunoo, I can talk to him about everything. He's literally my best friend. My only friend, really. But I couldn't bother to bring the issue with Ni-ki to him. I just know for a fact that he'll lecture me again, and tell me to stay away from him.

"Han, I have something to tell you."

Uh-oh. I hope it's nothing bad.

"Sure. What is it about?"

I hear his heavy breathing from the other line but I tried to ignore it. "It's about Riki."

I sat up straight at the mention of his name. Also, it felt weird that Sunoo brought this topic first. Usually it'd be him getting angry just by talking about Ni-ki.

"What about him?"

"Don't be mad, but I overheard his conversation with his friend. It was about a bet."

My heart sank.

Please no.

"B-bet?..." I asked, unsure if that's what I heard.

"Yeah... and I heard your name mid-conversation. I think... I think they were talking about you."



I was lied to, just like what I suspected. I should've seen this coming by now but it really hurts.

"Did he say anything else?"

"I'm not quite sure, but I saw him paying Jino money after calling the bet off. I'm really sorry Hana. I knew he was bad news and I still tolerated his presence when I should've protected you."

I could feel the sincerity in Sunoo's voice, but honestly, I felt too numb to even care at this point.

"Thank you, Sun. I'm glad you told me that."

"Do you want me to come over?"

"I'll be fine."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."


Toot. Toot.


"Hello? Can we meet up?"

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