Sleep over

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You walk around a bit more,the plex was closed for the day,but they still needed workers to clean since the staff bots could only clean so fast,that's why Danny was able to bring you ( I know there was people in the last chapter but..oh well).You and Bonnie hold hands as you make your way to Rockstar Row,you had been chatting with Jack and Lea,turns out Lea and Bonnie saw each other as siblings,so you had nothing to worry about there,and Jack was pan and into Monty.

After a little bit more walking,Bonnie picks you up bridal style,and takes you to his room,which was right next to Freddy's.You giggle as you play with his ears,making him purr again,he drops you on the floor of his room and fake pouts "Stop making me purr!",you laugh on the floor,and look up at him "Or what?",he peers down at you,seeing you in this position sparked something inside of him.
Seeing you on your knees in front of him,what was this feeling?He was snapped from his thought when you both heard the door opening,to reveal Jack smirking at both of you,with eyebrows raised "Pardon I interrupting something?",Bonnie glares at him and playfully punched his arm,as you get up and blush.

Jack starts talking before Lea splashes him with a water balloon, "We're having a sleep over in Freddy's roo-*splash*DAMN IT LEA,YOUR DEAD!" he runs off after her as she hides behind Monty.You and Bonnie stare at each other,before you start grabbing blankets and pillows,to which Bonnie pouts again "Your really going to their sleepover?What about meeee?",you look at him,and smile as you throw a pillow to him "No I'm not going to the sleepover..." he looks happy until you finish "I'm going to the sleepover with my friend,Bonnie the Bunny.".

He looks to the floor,as you drag him by the arm into Freddy's room.Once you get in,Bonnie goes to talk with Freddy,and you wander over to his couch where Chica and Monty are sitting,when suddenly the door opens,to reveal a giggling Lea,standing in front of Jack,blocking him from view.You all look at her confused,before a very drenched and annoyed looking Jack,moves her to the side,as he walks in and heads towards the couch,and you move for him,so he's now sitting between you and Monty,who's staring at his chest.Jack was wearing one of those white button shirts that the night guards wear,making his chest completely visible when wet,and Monty was not taking his eyes from it,but Jack didn't notice,he was too busy glaring at Lea,his wet hair dripping at the tips.

The whole night was spent watching movies,eating snacks and telling ghost stories,you noticed the whole night Lea was hanging around Freddy a lot,and Freddy seemed to be enjoying the attention,and Jack and Monty were really hitting it off,even Chica and Roxy were having cute couple moments.

All the while you and Bonnie just stared awkwardly,drinking soda.

You were thankful when Jack came over to talk to Bonnie,who was eating some cookies,and you went to talk with Roxy and Chica,asking them how they ended up together,they told you their story about how they just opened their eyes one day,and saw each other as soul mates.You were happy for them,as you looked around the room,Monty and Jack,who was now dry,sitting next to each other,Monty's head resting on Jack's,even Lea and Freddy,laughing together and smiling,it was very love-ful.But you also couldn't help but feel a little....lonely,I mean you had never been in a relationship,you were just too shy to talk to anyone,Danny found you alone at lunch one day in high school,and asked if he could join you,speaking of him,you realized you missed Danny,where was he?You wondered if he went home,so you checked your Fazwatch for any messages,and found one from him,it was from a couple of hours ago,it read Hey,sorry for not messaging you sooner,I just kinda lost time with Foxy,we're chilling in his room watching movies,later n/n!,so that's where he was,you felt a little bad you didn't notice Foxy hadn't joined you all once you were done with Fazerblast.You didn't know what to do anymore, so you decided to just head to bed,but you were surprised when you laid down on the floor somewhere,and felt strong hands wrap around your chest,you knew it was Bonnie,so you turned around with your face in his chest,and slowly drifted to sleep,in your friends arms.

-Time skipp- 3rd Person POV.

In the morning,everyone woke up happy,with Jack and Monty cuddling and blushing,Lea and Freddy smiling and holding hands,Chica and Roxy staring at each other with goo-goo eyes,even you and Bonnie woke up snuggling together.You blush as you try to sit up,but he pulls you down with a groan,he lays you on his chest,both of yours touching,he cuddles into you like your a doll. It was a sweet moment,before it had to come to an end like all things do,you heard your friends getting up,so you and Bonnie did too,much to Bonnie's dismay,when you all heard a screech so loud,that it could be a background loop for DJ music man.You and Bonnie turned your heads in the direction of the scream,and saw Jack,pointing at Lea,ranting about something,you roll your eyes,and walk over to grab some cereal,it was a snack from last night,but no one really ate it.You grab some Coco Pebbles,and Jack points at you and shouts very loudly again "HA!SEE?!I TOLD,EVERYONE LIKES COCO PEBBLES MORE THAN YOUR FRUITY PEB-mpha!?",Monty covers his mouth with his hand,picks him up like nothing,and Jack starts kicking and throwing his hands everywhere,followed with muffled screaming,Monty holds him away from his body and looks to all of you,"What do I do with it?".You all shrug,but then you get an idea,you thought it wouldn't be a problem "How about we leave him in the Daycare?Sunny is really hyper,and Moon could give him some Moondrop candies.",everyone nods in agreement,while Jack continues to scream.So with that,you all make your way to the SuperStar Daycare,and stop thinking about wether or not to go down the slide,but seeing as it would be hard to get a screaming,kicking Jack down,you just go down the stairs to the front entrance.You walk behind everyone else,slowly,just thinking about random things,and you realize that you changed,I mean think about it,in the beginning you stuttered every time you talked to one of the animatronics,and now look at you,spending the night with them,cuddling with your friend,and Danny wasn't even with you,you still missed him,maybe you could go look for him after you were done dropping off your new hyper friend.You see Lea run up to Sun before you all left,and whisper something into his ear,they looked at each other,then at Jack,who was running around the whole place like a seven year old,then Sun gave her a sad smile and nodded.You we're confused but didn't ask questions,it was probably a personal matter ; Bonnie walks up to you from behind,and picks you up,you were confused at the random action,until Bonnie turns to Monty and says "Hey Monty!Catch!",Monty looks just in time to see a flying y/n,and catches him.Monty gets a devilish grin on his face and looks to Freddy,who is talking with Lea,then Monty says while grinning still "Hey Fazbear!Think fast!",you vision goes blurry for a second,but you feel strong arms catch you,you then hear Freddy scolding Monty and Bonnie for being reckless.Lea is holding back a giggle,while Chica squeals "Ooh!Ooh!I wanna try!",before Freddy can begin to protest,Chica had picked you up and tossed you to Roxy,who threw you back to Bonnie...this continued for about 16 minutes.After falling down for the fourth time,Lea had to help you walk over to a small cafe,where you all had a real breakfast,well except for you,you were too nauseous to eat anything.You attempted to text Danny Hey,sorry reply was late,spent the night in Freddy's room for a sleepover,but with you being dizzy,and the letters all being so small this is what you typed instead Reply latte slept with Freddy for sleep,of course you didn't see what you typed,you just sent the message and laid your head down on the table.After everyone was finished eating,they lead you to the entrance,where Danny was waiting for you,he looked at you,then at the Glamrocks,who simply just shrugged and walked away,chatting with Lea to go pick up Jack.Danny helped you to his car,and deadpanned "So you fucked Freddy to help you sleep?", you stared at him,trying to process what he had just said,before you shouted "WHAT THE FUCK?! EWW NO FREDDY ISN'T MY TYPE!!",Danny laughed at your freak out "I know I know!Just-haha... the message you sent me,*snicker*you said you slept with Freddy for sleep!Haha!",he said in between laughs.You felt your face heat up,while you looked away until Danny said "I know you and Bonnie have a thing going on..~".

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