Christmas Away From Home

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Hi! I know I said this was gonna come out on Christmas Day, but stuff happened and then i completely forgot about it again, so sorry it's so late. And also, as the title now says it will be slow updates. Now that it's summer break there might be more updates though.

on a good note though, I did finally plan out the entire storyline of this fanfic! Because until now, I was kinda just winging it.

Anyways, hope you enjoy this very wholesome Christmas Special 🥰

A few days later, everyone started to go home for the holidays. Of course, the ninjas didn't have that luxury. Jay proposed an idea so their Christmas wouldn't be entirely ruined by his actions: secret Santa. Jay held a bowl out, and one by one they drew names. Jay was the last to go. He pulled out the last piece of paper, set the bowl down, and opened the slip of paper. Etched on it wasn't a name but the letter H. He frowned, not remembering ever writing H on a piece of paper. He didn't even know why he would.
     "Um... guys?" He said, holding up the paper. They all looked up at him, then the paper.
     "You probably made a mistake, just draw again." Cole said. Jay's stomach dropped. He knew he hadn't, but he shrugged it off for now and drew again. This time the paper said Cole's name.
     The next day, Jay's uneasiness about the paper went away. He probably just had made a mistake. He got up, walked out of the boy's dorm, then out of the Hufflepuff common room. He walked down the hallway until he came across a painting of a bowl of fruit. He had heard some upperclassmen, who looked like twins with flaming red hair, talk about how to get into the kitchens. He tickled the pear in the bowl, and it started giggling. When he stopped, the pear transformed into a doorknob. He opened the painting-turned-door, and went inside.
Inside, house elves bustled around, getting ready to prepare lunch for the remaining students who decided to stay at Hogwarts. Four long tables lined the center of the room, matching up with the tables in the Great Hall above. Only one of the house elves noticed Jay. He came up and asked,
"Do you want anything?" Jay nodded.
"Yeah, if it's not too much trouble could you make a chocolate cake?" He asked. "It's for my friend." The elf nodded.
"It'll be delivered no later than 3." He replied. Jay thanked the house elf, and set back off towards the Hufflepuff common room.

It was 2:45 when the cake arrived. Jay was sitting on the couch in the common room, trying to catch up on some school work when he felt something on his lap. There sat a beautifully made chocolate cake, placed in a box. Jay looked around, smiling slightly. No one was around. He lifted the cake, and sat it next to him. He placed the lid of the box on top, and took out his quill. He wrote "To: Cole" on the top, and then got back to his school work.

3:30 rolled around. Jay was having a hard time functioning with the lack of sleep. He got off the couch, steadying himself as his feet hit the floor. The room started to spin. He held on to the arm of the couch until it stopped. He picked up the cake, and went on his way.
     The Great Hall was almost completely empty except for the other ninjas, who were sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table. Jay sat his present for Cole with the other presents, which were set just a little off to the side. He sat down with the others. He received a few concerned glances, but ignored them.
     "Looks like everyone's here so should we get started?" Jay suggested. They all nodded.

     Jay gave his gift to Cole first. "Cake!" And it was gone in two seconds. Jay revealed the gift was from him. Then Kai gave his gift to Jay. It was a tool set. Jay kept his face from dropping. He wasn't very ecstatic about tools since the machine incident.

     "They won't do any good at home except for being spares, but I figured that you'd might want some while we're stuck here." Kai said. Jay smiled, pretending to like them and  nodding. 

     Jay spaced out, but everyone eventually had opened their gifts.

     They hung around for a little bit, talking. Jay only cracked a few jokes, just to try and convince the others he was okay. He didn't want to feel more guilt about worrying them. 

     "Well, it's getting late," said Zane. "we better get some rest." some glances were thrown Jay's way before they all agreed and started getting up from the table. Jay stood up, and that's when it happened. 

     The room started to spin. He reached out to the table to try and steady himself, but it was too late. Just before his body reached the floor, he blacked out.

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