The Journey Begins

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A/N: here's the first chapter of my first Pokémon fanfic that my friends helped me with so shout out to them for letting me use their OCs hopefully I don't mess it up.

On the deck of a cruise ship

A boy around 12 years old with long black hair with dark blue tips that reaches the back of his neck along with having light brown eyes. The boy is wearing a sleeveless red hoodie with a short sleeved blue t shirt underneath along with a pair of black jeans and red trainers. This boy is standing on the bow of the ship just looking out at the view of the on coming town. "The start of my journey is soon, time to make mum and dad proud". The boy says to himself as girl who is roughly the same age as him with long pink hair and blue eyes with freckles running across her nose, she is wearing a sleeveless white shirt that frills at the bottom along with a small red bag over her shoulder. The girl is wearing a marron coloured skirt and white leggings and red shoes.

"Hey Lowen we're docking and then we got to meet the professor here"

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"Hey Lowen we're docking and then we got to meet the professor here". The now named Lowen nods his head and replies. "Cheers Phoebe let's get going then". The pair leave the bow of the ship and meet up with a group of 4 other people. "What kept you guys". A woman who is around 23 years old says, this woman has a mixture of black and red hair along with having one eye blue and the other is bright yellow.

Lowen just smiles at the woman and the group exit the cruise ship after walking across the dock they are met by a man in a white lab coat with a short sleeved green t shirt underneath along with dark red shorts and purple tennis shoes

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Lowen just smiles at the woman and the group exit the cruise ship after walking across the dock they are met by a man in a white lab coat with a short sleeved green t shirt underneath along with dark red shorts and purple tennis shoes. This man is waving at them as Phoebe says. "I'm guessing that's the professor we're supposed to meet". Then a boy with black hair and bright red eyes, he is wearing a black leather jacket with a dark grey t shirt underneath along with black jeans and black boots. This boy chuckles while Faedra just replies. "Gee what gave you that idea Phoebe".

(A/N: Obviously minus the wings)

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(A/N: Obviously minus the wings)

"Hey guys, I take it your the new trainers beginning their journey here in Kanto"? The man in the lab coat asks as all of the group nods as the man smiles and continues

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"Hey guys, I take it your the new trainers beginning their journey here in Kanto"? The man in the lab coat asks as all of the group nods as the man smiles and continues. "Amazing, my name is Professor Tracey". A boy with light brown hair and bright blue eyes, who is wearing a green hoodie and dark blue jeans asks in confusion.

"Wait I thought Professor Oak was the leading Professor here in Kanto"? Professor Tracey nods as he replies

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"Wait I thought Professor Oak was the leading Professor here in Kanto"? Professor Tracey nods as he replies. "Professor Oak retired last year so I've taken over as the leading Professor here, how about we move over to my lab in Pallet Town so we can get you all prepared for life as a Pokemon trainer". Before they head off Professor Tracey asks a question. "Which of you already have a Pokemon with you"? Faedra, the boy in the leather jacket, another boy with long brown hair and light hazel eyes who is wearing a red jacket and blue jeans and a boy with black hair with green eyes wearing a red varsity jacket and blue jeans all raise their hands.

Professor Tracey nods their head and says. "Well for those who didn't raise their hands I've got a little surprise for you when we get back to the lab". As Professor Tracey walks northwards the group follow him and after shortened journey thanks to Professor Tracey's car they arrive in a small quiet town and enter a large building with red roof.

Inside the lab

"I'm back and I brought some guests"! Tracey announces as three other people in the lab turn to see him enter with the group. "Oh Professor, I take it these are the new trainers you mentioned"? One of the researchers asks as Tracey nods in response and asks back. "Have you prepared what I asked"? "Yes Professor it's on your desk". Again Tracey nods as he walks over to his desk and grabs what looks like 7 small red devices and says. "These are Pokedex's, they'll help you through out your journey here in Kanto". As everyone takes a Pokedex, Professor Tracey hands Lowen, Phoebe and the boy with the green hoodie a Pokeball each and says. "Since you three didn't have a Pokemon on you here is a starter Pokemon for you three".

As the three take their Pokeball and thank Professor Tracey who also gives them 5 Pokeballs each and says. "I'm sure you know how to use these but throw these at wild Pokemon to catch it, though it isn't a 100% guarantee". The group exit the Professor's lab and they finally begin their Pokemon journey.

On Route 1

The group have step about 2 feet into the route before the boy in the leather jacket turns to the boy in the green hoodie and says. "Hey Josh let's battle, I've been itching since that boat". Josh chuckles as he replies. "You haven't changed have you Grey but let's go". The pair of boys throw out their Pokemon with Grey sending out a small orange bipedal lizard with a glowing fire on the end of its tail. "Let's go Charmander"! As Josh yells in return. "Get him Bulbasaur"! As a small green amphibian like creature with a large dark green bulb on its back". The two Pokemon begin to start circling each other waiting for an opening.

A/N: and that concludes this first chapter for ya guys, sorry its a little short and probably bad but hopefully I'll make up for it in the next chapters and the rest of the story. Again thank you to my friends who allowed me to use their OCs for this story and hopefully I don't fuck them up.

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