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Suddenly Namjoon opened his eyes as he realised Jungkook's hard-on was rubbing his ass. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, groaning. They had switched off the light but Nam had kept On the table lamp next to the bed.

In the light he glanced back and Jungkook back hugging him, his face heating up. Namjoon pushed back into the warmth wrapped around him. arms wrapped around his body, with a very obvious erection pressing into Nam's ass.

The elder couldn't help but feel like a pervert as his dick twitched in his pants. He rubbed his thighs together and pressed back again. Enjoying the rub. He was rewarded with a breathy moan from the man sleeping next to him.

Namjoon glanced over his shoulder again to see the younger was still asleep. His breath fanning on his neck and snoring.

Namjoon tossed around and propped up on his elbow, rubbing at Jungkook's eyes smoothly. The younger opened his eyes and smiled staring at him. He pulled him closer and the realisation hit him when his hard-on collided with his crotch area.

Nam bit his lips to stop the moan was about he let out. Nam found himself twitching inside of his pants again.

Jungkook tried to divert his mind from his dick.

" Good morning. "

" Good morning " He breathed out. "You're hard, by the way." He provided, running his tongue over dry lips.

Jungkook looked down at his lap, nodding in confirmation.

"Guess I am. It is impossible not to be hard when you're sleeping next to me."

" Wanna fuck my thighs with your hard dick."

" Holy fucking shit Joon. Do you want me dead in the early morning?"

Jungkook groaned already slipping his hand under his trouser and calming his hard dick. To make him insane Namjoon began to palm him over his trousers.

" I just want you to fuck my thighs. Anyway, you're the one who put this fantasy into my mind last night. Don't you remember Kookie? "

" lube .. " Jungkook whispered and Namjoon eagerly went to take the lube bottle from the drawer and he got on the bed Jungkook's bottom part was naked. He already got rid of his trousers and underwear.

Pouring liquid onto his palm Jungkook stroked his cock a few times, fully wet and pulled Nam's thighs apart to put his cock in between them. Nam moaned as he squeezed his thighs together.

Jungkook pressed his back to him and took hold of Nam's belly. He whispered in his ear. " Ready" A shiver ran down his body. In a rush, he forgets the lube on his thigh shit but he doesn't want to move from the bed or his warm body.

Namjoon looked in the direction of the mirror and fuck he can see their lower part glued reflection, He pulled the pillow under his head and gripped it closer to his chest. " Absolutely". Jungkook grabbed his left asscheek to keep him stay.

He moved his hip slowly without further conversation, he ground down against the other, both letting out noises of satisfaction at the stimulation. The heat pooling in their stomachs woke them up better than any alarm ever could. Nam's hands gripped Jungkook's thin hips to help with the thrust.

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