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it's been 2 weeks since the incident and izuku was in his room which had no hero accessoires as it was bland room of his. izuku was laying
on his bed just staring up at the ceilling with a depressed expression as he thinks how low his life has become, izuku just wanted o sleep and so
he did, closing his eyes slowly while putting his covers over him. sleeping.

izuku woke up the next moring getting off his bed and puts on a yellow t-shirt,blue trousers,red shoes and a purple hoodie. y/n went to the
living room to see his mom, coughing out some blood as she was on the sofa where she's sitting. izuku terrified runs over to his mom and gets
sitting properly.

IZUKU MIDORIYA: mom breath! in and out, in and out, slowly!

inko breaths in and out slowly and lays on the sofa on her back, izuku goes to the kitchen and goes to a draw where he keeps his mother's
medicine and grabs two pills and gives them to his mother along with a glass of cold water to ease her coughing throat.

IZUKU MIDORIYA: easy, mom. it's gonna be okey.

INKO MIDORIYA: *drinks glass of water along with her two pill gulps them down* thanks son, *smiles* what
would i do without my kindhearted son?

IZUKU MIDORIYA: i think it's best you don't think about that, mom. *gets up from sofa*...i'm gonna go find a job mom,
you should uh, stay on the couch and just relax okey? *walks over to the front door and opens it*

INKO MIDORIYA: just be careful okey izuku, those heros were upset when you shot endeavor in the knee,
and they let you off with a warning.

IZUKU MIDORIYA: *sighs* i know mom.. it won't happen again i was just..*growls a bit* angry i j-just
wanted to make that asshole pay! b-but that doesn't matter now, i'm gonna go look for a job, bye mom. *walks through
the front door and closesit behind him*

INKO MIDORIYA: *looks down in sorrow* ....how am i gonna tell him?

inko softly cries in her hands knowing that if her condition gets worse, she'll have to tell izuku the painful truth. meanwhile izuku had his hands
in the pockets of his purple hoodie as he was about to walk downstairs until he heard a door open and slam shut slowly, izuku turns around to see
his neighbour next door kyoka jirou who looks to see izuku and had a bit of an cheerful expression, but for izuku.. he could only stair at her with
nothing admiration blushing a bit.

 he could only stair at her withnothing admiration blushing a bit

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JIROU KYOKA: umm, is something wrong midoriya?

IZUKU MIDORIYA: oh u-uh, nothing! i-it's just, you look...amazing is all.

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