7 " What am i doing?"

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" Sid you sure you're gonna ride the bus? I can take you home hang out with you, while your dads out of town.." Salem says as we walk towards the exit of the school as the last bell rings and everyone is running out of the school.

" No it's fine. You were right I'm not let some weird prank get to me." I say proudly and Salem smiles and walks away with a peace sign. Probably to find Tatum to take her to work.

She has to work in an hour anyway. So she wouldn't be able to stay long.

I get on the bus and get greeted by my friends.


3rd point of view

Sid plops on the couch and looks at a picture of her and her mom before laying her head on the couch pillow falling asleep.

What feels like minutes the phone rings when Sidney jumps up she realizes it's dark. She's not gonna get any sleep tonight. She must've been sleeping for at least three hours.

She grabs the phone putting it to her ear answering it.

" hello?" Sidney says rubbing her eye.

" sid! I got off early!" Salems excited voice comes through the phone.

" you gonna head over?" Sid asks sitting up with a yawn.

" yeah and tatums coming too. We're in different cars so she might be a little late." Salem says and Sidney hears Salem's car start through the phone.

" are you driving?" Sidney asks getting off the couch and walking towards her kitchen.

" Yeah what about it?" Salem asks and Sidney can just hear the confusion on her face.

" well you're talking to me so-" the phone rings stopping Sidney's rant and Sidney sees another caller iD coming through.

" hold on someone's calling on the other line." Sidney says and Salem mumbles an 'okay' before getting put on hold.

" hello?" Sidney asks and she just hears breathing on the other line.

" okay real funny. I'm hanging up." But before Sidney does...

" w-"

" Goodbye." Sidney says hanging up fast before taking her best friend off hold.

" I think I just got prank called, hurry up and get here." Sidney jokingly says and Salem laughs at Sidney's impatience and worrying.

" okay I'm coming, can't have my brother chasing me for speeding." Salem says chuckling at the thought of Dewey's face and Sidney hears the engine roar on Salems car.

Her phone rings again making Sidney gasp dropping her phone hanging up on her best friend in the act.

Sidney's phone rings and she answers instantly thinking it was Salem.

" I'm sorry I hung up I dropped my phone." Sidney says sighing sitting down on her seat in the kitchen.

" you're okay sid." The voice says through the phone and Sidney rolls her eyes.

" very funny Salem. How'd you get the voice?" Sidney asks giggling walking back into the living room sitting on her couch.

" how about I ask the questions." The voice says again in a playful manner and Sidney smiles shaking her head.

" okay fine I'll play your game Salem. But this is creepy." Sidney says shaking her head sitting on her knees looking out the living room window above the couch looking for Salem.

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