Have you ever wondered why? Why does it rain? Why is it stressful? Why am I like this? At some point of everyone's life, the question why has been asked..? But the answer is right with us...
Take a look around you. What do you see? Maybe a bed, a television, a tree, another person, food, maybe all those things at once. But have you ever wondered who created all things..? The answer was given to us.. blind men and women... right in the book which I am sure many of you have heard « The Bible ». Hold on, don't hop off so easily.. why don't you read a few more pages..? Even chapters! It doesn't matter how much you read, all you need is to understand the reason....Let's start off with a very asked question: « Why do I exist ?»
When people ask this question, they either have been shamed, hated, abused, have gone through hard times, had mental breakdowns... It hurts to ask: « Why do I exist? »Think about it, the creator of this universe, has brought everyone and everything good into this world, but sin had caused good to change to bad, and corrupted The Lord Almighty's plan... You might be thinking what this has to do with the question, well:
Genesis 1:27: « So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. »
You might be wondering, if God created us in his own image, why then do we suffer?
That is the cause of sin... when the serpent tricked Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, sin entered into the world... but.. have you noticed something.. The Bible always has messages to show us the truth..
How was Eve created.? From Adam's rib, God Almighty took it out and made a woman that was deceived by the evil serpent and caused sin to flourish....
Well... Let's move forward to Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who died for us, sinners , for our sakes... well what about that soldier, who pierced his rib.. causing water and blood to flow... that show the end of sin.... No one can go to heaven on their own, because we are all sinners... but the Son of the Almighty... has ended all pain... through his pain.. Christmas is really near in a couple of days!You probably thought of the gifts.. But in reality the true gift is the one God gave us! The birth of our Savior. This really isn't a book, but more of a text explaining how much it's important to follow the True Lord... many of you might think I'm crazy.. But I'd be crazy for our Lord! Have a wonderful Christmas! God bless you all and I hope you might think of Jesus this Christmas! The only gift we should give to the Lord is our hearts, minds and time.. You never know when He is coming.. I Hope you enjoyed this text ! Have a wonderful Christmas !
The Reason
SpiritualThe Reason why that happens or is happening or is there seems like something unknown... but He is right with us..