Chapter 2: First Signs of an Affair

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My instincts, however, demanded otherwise.

"Whatever do you mean, Your Majesty? Surely, as the lady of the Imperial Palace, it is not odd for me to discuss palace business. I was merely inquiring as to the circumstances that led Your Majesty to bring home an injured woman. Since this has never happened before."

Was I pushing too hard? I intentionally spoke in the same tone I always do, as lighthearted as a moment ago when we'd been discussing the New Year's celebration. I even smiled faintly.

The last thing I wanted was to seem nosy or suspicious.

But Sovieshu grew visibly upset. "Are you really asking only because you're curious?" He stared at me pointedly.

I blinked. "Well, I'm certainly not asking because I'm not curious."

"She got herself caught in one of my traps by mistake. I'm only doing what's right. Her injuries weren't grave, so I placed her in a room near mine and assigned a servant to take care of her until she recovers."

"I see."

Sovieshu watched me for another long, quiet moment. "I won't be needing your ladies-in-waiting anymore, so tell them not to fret."

Sovieshu started cutting his steak again. The screech of his knife echoed throughout the spacious, empty dining room.

Despite the many other topics Sovieshu implied we should discuss, he did not say a single word after that.


Once our awkward dinner finally ended, I headed back to my bedroom in the West Palace. My ladies-in-waiting clustered there, anxiously awaiting my return.

Lady Laura rushed to my side first. "Did His Majesty say anything about her?"

"Who is she?" asked Countess Eliza.

Though it was well past time for them to be resting, it seemed they had waited to hear my summary of events.

"He... didn't have much to say about the matter," I responded half-heartedly.

Countess Eliza gave me a severe look. She didn't seem to buy it. "If he hadn't said anything, you wouldn't look as gloomy as you do, Your Majesty."

I winced.

"It's okay." Lady Laura touched my arm. "Please, tell us, Your Majesty. So we can be prepared as well."

"His Majesty said the girl was accidentally caught in one of his traps. He wouldn't say whether she truly was a runaway slave." That's when I realized that I didn't even know her name. When my ladies continued to stare, I shook my head. "He only brought her to the palace so she could be nursed back to full health. It is only proper, since his trap injured her. But...he seemed displeased when I asked about the situation."

Lady Laura shrieked and stamped her foot in fury.

The more dignified of my ladies-in-waiting shot her a disapproving scowl, but Laura was already fuming. "Your Majesty, that's exactly how my father behaved in the early stages of his affair."

Countess Eliza called her name sternly.

But Laura gnashed her teeth. "No ifs, ands, or buts about it. One of the telltale signs men are about to cheat is when they grow defensive and raise their voices! If he's only doing what's proper, why would your questions about the girl displease him?"

The ladies-in-waiting scolded Laura for her coarse language. Still, I noticed none of them disagreed with what she'd said.

My shoulders slumped. Seeing this, Countess Eliza ordered the others away. She sat me down at my vanity, then took out a comb and gently brushed my hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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