≪ ◦ 5. A Wrongful Accusation◦ ≫

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art creds: found on Google, creds to artist


(Y/N's POV)

Agh! My body aches! I carefully shift my body as I wake. My eyes were harshly greeted by bright fluorescent lights. Where am I? I carefully prop myself against the wall, a white fabric on my stomach catching my eye. I slightly lift up my shirt to see my bandaged abdomen, a slight blood stain coloring my side. I recalled my altercation with the treasure hoarders, and shift my head to the left, and observed the room I was all too familiar with.

The police station- or more accurately, a jail cell within the station. I'd been here countless times, and the ambiance remained the same. A stuffy little white walled room that consisted of nothing but a bed and a desk. Next to the desk was a wooden door that lead to a small bathroom. The compact room was secured behind a door constructed of metal bars- a stereotypically designed room as if it were a scene from a book. Knowing I was locked behind the set of bars meant that I'd gotten caught. As if on cue, my captor made his way through the front door of the jailhouse.

The man who walked through had olive green eyes, and hair the color of red wine with a darker colored strand hanging off to the side, styled in a low pulled back ponytail with long spiked bangs. He wore a white sleeveless shirt, the sides open revealing part of his abdomen, and the collar spiking over his neck and the black choker that lined it. A golden tassel embellished with a Tenryou Commission badge securely rested along his right shoulder. His shorts were a deep golden yellow color with black imprinted stripes lining the sides vertically. A brown waistcoat tied around his hips, and a jiffe scabbard hanging down as well. He wore an anemo vision on the backside of his flowy coat. His arms and legs were covered by black armor pieces, which were attached to his body with rope that matched his hair color. 

He entered the jailhouse, shutting the door behind him. His attention shifted to me, "afternoon, Sleepyhead," he spoke with a playful smirk. He walked over to a large desk that set off to the right side of the jailhouse, placing a manilla folder on its surface before walking towards my cell.

"Doushin Shikanoin..." I enunciated in a mocking tone, crossing my arms and crafting a vexatious smirk in return, "What brings you here?"

"I think you know the answer to that question, Y/N. What brings you here?" he crosses his arms and transfers his weight to his side, not loosening his expression.

"Less of a 'what' and more of a 'who'. Speaking of which," I carefully lean forward, "Is this 'who' the same person responsible for this?" I lifted the edge of my shirt, showing my treated wound once more.

"Hmm... perhaps~"

I pretend to gasp in shock, covering my mouth with my fingers "My my, Doushin! While I was asleep?" I remove my hand, now revealing a playful expression, "I think I just might charge you with sexual harassment~" I respond sarcastically.

He chuckles, undoing his pose and turning back towards the desk. He grabs the chair behind it and pulls it over, taking a seat leaning forward. He rests one arm across his legs, the other stabilizing his elbow on his knee, resting his face in his open palm, "Good luck making those charges stick," he gives me a quick wink.

"Speaking of charges," he changes the subject, "Care to tell me what you've been up to recently?"

"I think you already know, being as I'm stuck behind these bars again," I close my eyes and gesture my hand in a matter-of-factly way.

"That I do," he leans over, reaching for the manilla file. In his grasp, he sits back, and passes the folder through the cell bars. 

I gently kick my legs over the edge of the bed, pushing myself into a standing position. I walk over to where Heizou was reaching and take possession of the folder. I open the cover to find a fresh new report laying on top. Reading over the files, I maintain an unchanging look... until I read the offenses.

"Seriously?!  Attempted murder?! Do they not get my MO?" Despite me being a criminal with a blotted record, murder was a crime I never intended to commit. Ironic coming from me, but I was only interested in petty crimes. The fact that they were trying to tack on attempted murder goes against my motives- both Heizou and I knew that. I hand the file back to him and return to my cell bed, now frustrated.

"So how do we reduce the charge?" I raise my question.

Heizou looked at me with a serious demeanor, "Well, you're obviously not walking away from this one with the charge being dropped entirely. Attempted murder is a serious crime, and the commissioner is going to do everything he can to make it stick."

"I know that, but still... why attempt? I'm well aware the commissioner knows of my reputation, meaning he knows I don't fuck around with crimes like that."

"I'm not quite sure, but I have a sneaking suspicion it has to deal with that fact."

"What do you mean?"

Heizou sighed, his seriousness exhausted, "I think it means he doesn't like the fact that you haven't committed any crimes worth keeping you locked up for long periods of time. You commit crimes that only end with you doing a few months at max before being released."

I roll my eyes and shrug my shoulders aggressively, "So?"

He continued, "You stay locked up for a  few months or so, then get released. Putting it bluntly, you're a reoffender, and generally go back to doing whatever you usually do within a short amount of time before being busted again, and thrown back in jail."

"Okay, and? What's the issue?"

"I believe that the commissioner may be using your attack on the Tenryou officers as a reason to make the attempted murder charges stick in order to keep you behind bars. That way, you wouldn't be released and out committing minor crimes again."



Short chapter this time around, but Y/N and Heizou interaction!! >:)

Next chapter will be all about Y/N, and we'll get to understand her motives for committing crimes.

Word Count: 1, 048

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