class cannons 1

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1.  Sekken, Danno
2. Jackson, Alex
3. Jotaro
4. ---
5. Yukkto
6. Alex
7. Nami, Razzie, Hotaru, Jotaro
8. Jotaro, Mangle, Sekken
9. (Quiet kid) Komi, Donna, Sekken, Akari,
10.Jotaro, Razzie, Rebecca, Jun, Hotaru, Peter, Yukkto
11. Alex, Marko
12. Razzie, Jackson, Rebecca, Peter Jun
13. Razzie Mangle, Alex, komi, Jun
14. Jackson, Rebecca, Jotaro
15. Razzie, Rebecca (by force), komi, Alex,  Hotaru, mangle
16. ---
17. Komi, Akari
18. Jotaro, Rebecca
19. Peter, Jun, Marko, Yukkto ,Donna
20. Miss midnight (Nemuri)

Our class in Student number order.
Miss midnight
Alex (spawn fire)
Akari (answer)
Danno (marker)
Hotaru (dragonfly)
Jackson (blue magic)
Jotaro (starplatinum )
Jun (yaoi)
Komi (shush)
Mangle (wire rope)
Marko (thermal radar)
Nami (axolotl)
Peter (blood lust)
Razzie (gremlin)
Rebecca (non)
Sekken (fire bubbles)
Yukkto (lazar sword)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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