Chapter 1- The Save.

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I will begin with introducing you as Y/N Y/L/N, you my friend are a seventh year at Hogwarts which means you're at the age of 18; you were sorted into house of Slytherin and the year is 1992.

At this moment you're playing a Quidditch match against those Gryffindor students ; much to your teams protest at first: you're a girl playing Quidditch ,showing the boys up out on the field. You signal to a teammate (a beater like yourself) to go either side of the Gryffindor's seeker (Harry Potter) and take him off track of the Snitch. You and your teammate do that successfully and the crowd supporting Slytherin cheer at this achievement. You quickly glance at the crowd and notice an older couple dressed in all black, the man on the right has long blonde hair and far from cheerful facial expression, slowly clapping his hands and to the left , you were almost star stricken by the beauty accompanying him to his right, Strong cheekbones, perfectly full lips with black-ish brown and platinum blonde hair tied up but still falling down to her shoulders. She was smiling whilst also clapping. You recognize these two to be Draco Malfoy's parents, Draco Malfoy being your Seeker. For a moment you're too busy admiring his mother's beauty, so much so you didn't see the Gryffindor's beater throwing their bludger and it directing straight at your head,

"Y/N look out!"

You hear a teammate call out to you and just at the last second you narrowly dodge the bludger ball coming towards you. You're safe for now but before you can get your head back in the game you hear a shout from another teammate of yours. It was Draco; the beater's bludger you managed to avoid hit Draco instead, knocking him off of his broom within a second.

"Shit!" You mutter to yourself.

You hear the crowd gasp and see a glimpse of Malfoy's parents stand in shock and terror, his mother looking more concerned than his father. Just a glimpse of this as you lunge straight down to the boy in hopes of catching him before he hit the ground. You don't particularly like Draco yourself, you find him spoilt and bratty but the team still needs its seeker , that and you (for some unknown reason) can't stand the thought of letting his mother see her child hit the ground and have his bones shatter.

It's a close call as you reach out your hand to catch his, scared you might not have gotten there fast enough you risk your own safety by letting go of your broom (still hanging on for dear life with your legs) and flipping yourself upside down to catch him. Luckily you catch his hand before he can drop any further towards the ground. Draco looks up at you with a surprised look on his face.

You pull him onto your broom and fly him back to his own. The crowd watching in awe. When Draco is back on his own broom he nods a 'Thank you' to you. You spot his mother mouth a 'Thank you' to you as well and smiles. You smile back , clearly she just had a miniature heart-attack. You focus on the game after that. Dodging the Gryffindor beaters and aiming for Gryffindor the seeker himself or the chasers.

Authors Note: Short...Short chapter. Won't always be this short.

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