Injuries, Pt 2

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TW: hospital setting, mentions of serious injuries, slight language

a/n: here it is! part 2! i hope you guys enjoy it! let me know how you liked it in the comments!

Flynn woke up to the sound of a steady beep. His vision was swimming in and out of focus, everything white and blurry.

"Flynn?" a voice asked. "Flynn, can you hear me?"

Flynn couldn't place the voice, but they sounded incredibly familiar to him.

"Flynn," they said again, "Flynn, it's me. It's Parker."

Parker. Memories of the past couple of days flooded his brain, everything from the fight to croissants to falling to–

"Where am I?" Flynn groaned, his vision finally focusing.

"You're in the Med Bay, Flynn." Parker stood up, presumably from a chair that was obstructed from Flynn's view.

Flynn was able to make out the features of Parker's face, everything from his brown eyes and long brown hair to the concern and worry in his face, made clear from the tears pooling in his eyes and his furrowed brow.

"How long have I been out?"

"Three days, twenty hours, and thirty-eight minutes."

"Jesus Christ, love. I'm sorry," Flynn mumbled.

"You should be," Parker said softly, sitting on the edge of Flynn's cot. "You scared me to death, Flynn. I thought I was going to lose you, and you know I can't deal with that." He intertwined his fingers with Flynn's, gently rubbing his thumb in circles on the back of Flynn's hand. "The doctors told me what happened. A stab wound in your goddamn abdomen, plus a nicked liver! Not to mention the head trauma that you got because of that fall! Why didn't you just tell me what happened? We could've gotten you here as soon as you got hurt."

Flynn's eyes flickered up to Parker's face, seeing the tracks that his tears had left.

"I know, and I should've told you sooner. And I know that saying sorry isn't going to fix anything, but I'll keep saying it. I knew that something was wrong, but I didn't think it was major. Wait, no, scratch that – I knew it was major, but I didn't want you to worry, so I kept it under wraps."

"God, you're a goddamn idiot," Parker whispered, hugging Flynn as tightly as he could without hurting him.

"You just said a curse word," Flynn whispered back sarcastically.

"Oh, shut up."

"Shutting up."

Flynn felt Parker shaking with silent laughter and silent tears, and he wrapped an arm around Parker.

They were a mess, sure, but they were together.

And they were alive.

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