His thum stroked under his chin to the side of his checkbone, while his other fingers rest under his lips. the same movemend repeated, over his stupple beard, up and down. A habbit he has when he was nervouse. And a habbit i picked in when he did that. I bite my tong, and let it glide on the backside of my theets. the clock ticked loudly in my ears, as that was the only sound in the room. his elbow rested on his desk, that was overlayd with papers. A blue pen danced between his fingers, here and there to scribbele a note. As more time pasted the more his frustration gruw. His nail replaced his thum, stroking over his face. slight red marks apeared as they go. His nose pinched and furrowd his eyesbrows, looking with eyes to his desk below. Only to find more frustration.
He din't look up as i stoud beside him. my fingertips finding a way under his jacked to his warm skin. masaching his nek and shoulders. Feeling my hands warming up bringing them up to front of his nek. Under his jaw, to his cheeks and ears. I move in cirkels, following his face structure, up to his front head to his nose and under his eyes. He closed his a while ago, how long was i doing this? I don't bother to look at the time. i can spend the houers of the day spending watching his face. So close to him to see his tired eyes and fained skars above his left eye. a strong nose, dry lips and a dimple when he smiled when my fingers pulled his under lip along.
He leaned back his head and his body followed to rest in his chair. His eyes opend when he felt my loose hair fal on his face, i was right ubove him. looking down below to meet him with a smile. not notecing his hand until he took a hair string and pulled me down with it.
Just to stop as my lips met his cheek, his hand moved to grab my nek, his thum on my cheeck. and pulled me in to a kis. (...)