Four - Alone

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I feel the world collapsing around me. The Orphanage is a hell but it'll be even worse without Darren. And what is worse than hell? Pain? Death? Fear?

"I leave tomorrow," Darren says. "They want me with them on Christmas." His voice is broken. We're both trying to fight our tears but we cannot.

We only work together. We're like Jack and Rose or Frodo and Sam. But just like them, we lose each other. The person most important to me.

"At least, you can get out of this place," I say, trying to find a positive side of the news I just heard. "Yeah, that's nice," he says but his tears take over his words.

"Let's pack your stuff," I state and we walk to Darren's room. There isn't much to pack. Most properties get sold by the Headmistress. She does everything for money.

We lay on his bed in the empty room. "I love you," I state. "I love you too," Darren says. "But let's not make this harder than it already is."

That night, I stay with him. Miss Jenn doesn't even try to get me to my own room. She knows how much he means to me. How important he is to me.

The next morning, I don't want to wake up. I want to stay in bed with Darren forever. But we can't and we both know that. We walk through the halls together one last time, until the Tesla of the young couple picks Darren up.

I should be happy for him. He can finally start his life, but I'm not. He should be happy for himself, he can finally start his life, but he's not. Although we both know that this is the way it was supposed to go. We both need a family eventually.

The car drives off and I'm alone. One week before Christmas.

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