Welcome To The Main Course

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Hajime stood in front of the main course front gate along with his brown colored duffle bag in toe he gulped a bit as he did got Ready to start his new life within class 77 since he has finally made up his mind and decision to leave the reserve course be, Hind but still felt a little nervous walking through these hollow gates for the first time as an official sixteenth student going in. With other kids that showed up a short time ago they each take their turn and go into assigned classes as the bell rang loudly as possible for everyone

Juzo greeted him,"Welcome aboard kid congratulations on getting your application accepted"

Hajime gulped,"Um thanks but aren't you going to beat me up like you normally did ?"

Juzo rolled his eyes."Not today kid ok or ever now that you are an official student of Miss Yukizome"

Hajime let out a sigh of relief,"That's nice to hear for once but why her class of all places ?"

Juzo replied,"You can thank Chaiki for that one she begged to let you join her class"

Hajime blushed,"Chaiki huh she must really want me to join up with her fellow classmates"

Juzo said,"Don't forget you still need to find a talent to call your own as well"

Hajime replies,"Don't worry i think i might have found one"

He looks down at a piece of paper,"Super High School Level Attorney"


Back in the main course 1-B classroom, Chaiki was fast at work getting her friends ready to face the day. Plus she was just as excited to finally hear that her friend Hajime, has finally decide. To join up with the rest of them and wanted, To make him feel welcomed and surrounded by friendly students.

Akane is scarfing down a turkey sandwich."Yum hey did anyone hear that we are getting another student today"

Fuyuhiko has taken off his gangster hat,"Yeah it's that stupid reserve course brat"

Gundham is holding a white rabbit,"Then we better be on our best behavior Chaiki can be quite scary when she's mad"

Hiyoko said,"Eww gross not that kid but if it will make Chaiki happy i will try my best to play nice but no promises"

Ibuki said,"Well at least he isn't a screw up like Nagito so i guess it will be a win win"

Kazuichi said,"So true cause my day always goes south with Nagito around"

Mahiru is fiddling with her camera equipment,"I think it's nice that Chaiki has a friend coming over to be with us"

Mikan has her medical duffle bag,"Come guys we should give Hajime a chance first before we judge him"

Nagito said,"I'm right here and i can hear everything ya know plus with my kind of luck the day could go by pretty fast"

Nekomaru said,'We know but if this shit for brains tries anything i will give him a good pounding"

Pekoyama said,"I think Chaiki can handle herself also let's wait until she asks for help first"

Imposter Ryota said,"Fine i guess i can try to give the boy credit for wanting to join us he took all year after all"

Sonia smiles,"Now we have a complete class all sixteen of us"

Teruteru said,"I'll make him a welcome feast just as long as Hiyoko doesn't rig the food again like last time"


Six classmates are standing in a circle debating on how to bring forth death and despair into the world so the plan can go.

Junko said,"I'm super bored right now let's brainstorm on ideas how we can bring despair into our happy little boring world"

Mukuro said,"We could capture people bring them here and rig them up into some brainwash equipment"

Soshun said,"Ohh how about we set up a class trial format"

Yasuke said,"I could always force painful surgeries onto them while they are awake"

Santa said,"I could bring a patch of poisonous flowers"

Yuto just quietly ate some lays potato chips.

Junko said,"All of them sound like potential ideas but we might need to scout more allies i don't think six of us will be enough"

Sato walks in,"Sounds like fun sis maybe i can help just as long as Mahiru is left alone"

Junko grins her most evil and cruel smile yet. But she has no plans on keeping any promises


Hajime is standing in front of headmaster Krigiri who had just now got done with putting some file folders away back inside. Of the metal filing cabinet near by he smiled then closed his eyes since he was in thought for a brief moment right now

Mr. Krigiri said,"Hajime i am absolutely thrilled that you have finally decided to join the main course"

Hajime replied,"Yes sir it took a lot of thinking but I'm here"

Chisa said,"Yes and Chiaki will be so thrilled to"

Koichi said,"Yup but not sure if the rest of the class is thrilled"

Mr. Krigiri said,"Well it's really up to the teacher not students"

Chisa replied,"May we head back to class i can't wait to have Hajime start making friends and bonding with everyone"

Mr. Krigiri said,"Yes of course miss enjoy the rest of your day"

Hajime and Chisa make their way back to classroom 1-B where everyone else is waiting for them to show up


Hajime stood outside the classroom feeling a bit nervous since it's his first time being with everyone in batch 77 but his new. Teacher was standing next him with a bright warm smile on her face trying to get him encouraged to go inside and meet every, One who is still waiting Hajime gathers enough courage and walks into the classroom where he stands before everyone. Then takes a friendly bow as he gets ready to introduce himself to the rest of class 77b who were nervous about Hajime at first

Hajime bows,"Hi for those of you who don't know me. My name is Hajime Hinata and i will be joining you as the sixteenth student"

Chisa said,"That wasn't so hard now was it Hajime now go take your seat right behind Chaiki please so we can get started on today's session "

Hajime said,"Yes madame"

He goes to the desk and sits behind Chiaki Nanami.

Chiaki said,"Hajime i am so glad that you have finally decided to up with my class we are going to have such fun together"

Chisa smiled,"Now for today's lesson i want everyone to spend time bonding with each other it will help Hajime get to know the rest of you more"

Everyone else replied,"HUH ?"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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