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Character Death

An intense feeling of deep affection...right?
But is it supposed to hurt?

For Yeosang, love was an enchanting concept, captivating him with its beauty and allure from a young age. He was drawn to the idea of love and being in love, finding joy in its romanticized portrayal. However, despite his admiration for love, he couldn't ignore the pain it sometimes brought. It puzzled him why something so ostensibly beautiful could cause such deep hurt.

Throughout his life, Yeosang's mother shared tales with him, painting love as a liberating force that empowers individuals and motivates them to go to great lengths. Yet, amidst these narratives, a lingering question persisted in Yeosang's mind: Could love also have a chilling effect, leaving one feeling cold and empty? Despite his longing for understanding, he found himself unable to unravel the complexities of love's dual nature.

This whole time Yeosang though he was in love with someone who cherished him. Someone who had the same love for him but when did it go away? It started off warm and beautiful but never did he expect it to become so cold and bitter.When they first met, they were best friends and inseparable , but now it felt as if they were enemies.

As Yeosang observed the gradual erosion of affection and words of affirmation in his relationship, he felt powerless to halt their decline. Despite his enduring love for his partner, he couldn't shake the sense that the reciprocal love he once felt was fading away. His longing for intimacy went unfulfilled, leaving him feeling emotionally starved and deprived.

The absence of physical touch weighed heavily on Yeosang, symbolizing the widening chasm between them. No longer did they share tender embraces or even the simple closeness of sleeping side by side in the same bed. These small gestures, once the bedrock of their connection, now served as poignant reminders of the distance that had grown between them, causing a deep ache in Yeosang's heart.

Was he simply too ugly? Was he not working hard enough?...Was he not a good enough wife or......

What did he do to receive his cold love.....

Yeosang constantly blames himself whenever he reflects on how things have gone downhill. He desperately wants to feel okay and strong, but the relentless inner turmoil leaves him feeling utterly hopeless. The incessant bickering in his mind fills him with self-loathing, making him despise every aspect of himself. Despite this overwhelming negativity, he feels stuck and doesn't know how to break free from it.

.....it's your fault he doesn't love you.........you're so ugly...........no wonder he doesn't touch you......you shouldn't even eat that.....god have you seen yourself in the mirror lately?....

As time went on, the silence became unbearable for him. He found himself growing increasingly afraid of being left alone with his own thoughts, fearful of the dark paths his mind might lead him down. The constant barrage of thoughts was dragging him deeper into the abyss of his depression, yet only a handful of observant individuals recognized his struggle. To others, he maintained a façade, hiding the turmoil within, and they remained oblivious to the turmoil raging beneath the surface.

When did it start...why didn't he notice the progressive pull his lover would do....

Over time, the signs of his partner's infidelity became increasingly apparent. It began with small traces of bright lip tint staining his white shirts, or the lingering scent of a new fragrance that wasn't his own. Yeosang couldn't ignore the clues, especially when his partner started disappearing for hours on end, only to return late into the night. What began as occasional absences around midnight gradually extended to early hours of the morning, with 5 a.m. becoming the new norm.

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