Ch. Five: Zetsu

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Time skip: Few weeks later.

Amy's Pov

After a few weeks I already made a big progress. I now mastered to use my sword Akira.

I've been training with Indra. I found out that my strength is really good because of that I win my duels with Indra.

A few days ago I felt that someone is following me. So I started to conceal my chakra. I have a feeling that the one that is following me is Zetsu.

Today I started to increase my chakra reserves. I thought of making the byakugou seal. I stored 25 percent of my chakra on my forehead.

Once I finished I walked toward a lake. I made a kunia with my roses and stabbed two fish. Healing the fish is such a piece of cake its very easy because I have great chakra control.

I finished healing the two fish. I found an injured deer nearby. I walked toward the deer and healed it.

"Hello" I heard behind me. 'Sounds like Zetsu found courage to speak to me. Coward' I thought. "Hello there is there anything I can help you with?" I asked.

"oh wait coward, You finally found courage to talk to me"  I taunt him. Unsurprisingly he attacked me. Such a fool.

I defended my self with my sword and said "Speechless? You think Im that stupid to not notice you following me?" Taunting it is such a fun thing.

"I'll capture you just wait"  It said as it vanished on thin air. "Stupid thing. 'jUst YoU waIt' " I said on thin air.

I continue to find animals that I can heal. After few hours I got tired so I came back to the village.

I saw an antique shop and decided to enter the shop a hair pin caught my attention. It's a rose hairpin.

I really like so I bought is don't question where I got the money. After buying I got out the shop and saw Hagoromo. He walked up to me and said. "I did not know Indra and you go training together"

"I apologise Hagoromo-sama if Indra did not tell you I told him to not tell anyone" I said to Hagoromo.

"Everything is all right you are forgiven" Hagoromo said. "Thank you Hagoromo-sama. But I shall get going now" I said.

I got home and cooked some food. After eating I cleaned the whole house. I noticed a presence outside of my window.

I summoned a kunai and throw it outside where I felt the presence earlier. I hit someone how did I know well I heard a grunt.

"I know you're there.I mean I literally just hit you" I said. I don't know who that is but still. I put my guard up as I saw the bushes rattle.

I saw a guy walk out of the bushes. "Is that you?" I said to the guy which I now know. It's 'Indra'. Kidding I know it is Zetsu trying to copy Indra's looks.

"I'm so sorry Indra for hitting you. I'm really sorry" I said trying to act like I'm sorry. "It's fine you did not know it was me" Said 'Indra' smiling.

'Yeah right stupid Zetsu' I thought to myself. " Is there anything I can help you with since you are outside my window just now."

"Nothing I'm just checking on you. I'm gonna go now. Goodbye" Before I could say my goodbye he's already gone. 'ok i dont care about you anyway'.

'I really hate him. Like go away trash. It's disappointing that I can't kill him. I guess I need to wait.'

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