THE SLAYINGG 3 🍜🍜🍜🍲🍲🍲🍲🍵🍵🍵☕️☕️☕️

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I got put in Antrez's cell! This is amazing, also he remembers me. But not in a good way..
He remembers me as "the guy who got me into jail" but. Theres a perk to this, there's this thing where the guards put some paper on your cell so you can sleep. So you know what we're gonna do during that 🤭🤭🤭
First I thought he personally liked me cause I'm Coryy duhh but no still 😔😔😢😭 Haha... friendzoned. Anyways when that happened he literally put me against the wall and said "Why the hell did you get me in jail. I want answers." I replied with "U-uh-uhm I got you in jail because I didn't want you to leave the supermarket..". Guess what he did~ find out in the next episode of dragon ball Z

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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The diva met the animal (Corntrez) Cory x Antrez 🌽🌽🌽🍆🍆🍆Where stories live. Discover now