Chapter 7

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Two weeks go by, after Cid found out about the engagement, and they were the loneliest two weeks that Cid had ever lived. He worked, he had even made a better pouch and slept.

Staying out of people's way, he rarely left the confides of his own small room and had only looked as though he was secluding himself, when really...He was preparing to move on...Even though he was so lonely.

He missed David...His family...His father, his mother but...Most of all, he missed that one person that sat beside him so much.

It probably wouldn't happen again now.

She was gone...She was going to be another man's fiance, then, soon after, wife.

He probably wouldn't see her again, let alone sit next to her.

Especially when she stated that she didn't want to see him again.

Was the King so blind to have given his lovely daughter to such a terrible person?

And that question was how Cid found out that it was most likely because of money that the King made his daughter marry into Leonard's family.

Even the thought that he was actually a stepson to Leonard had come to mind, but Cid didn't know how to hope on that small, unseen by others, information.

However much as he wished it were him, it could never be.

Steven was the first born and that was only one reason. Steven was the heir to his father's business, that was yet another reason and...Well, Steven was a full-blooded son, whereas Cid wasn't...He wasn't even blood related to Leonard.

...Even if it wasn't Steven, Freddie would have been the next choice, not him...How could he hope?

Cid could only accept it, he could only continue with his work and silently gain the favor of a few others that could help him for when he was to leave Leonard's family.

He had spoken now to two places that required a certain amount in exchange to working with him and Cid was unsure if they would stay when they found out who he was without his other 'identity'.

Having used another identity while talking to them, Cid could only try to see if he could respect and accomplish what they wanted in exchange for having their loyalty.

He wanted materials, he needed some people to help him accomplish his goal but...He was sure if he was to pronounce who he was, he probably wouldn't get what he needed. Especially of that of help of a small loan to help him start his own business.

No...He had to change his name. He had to become someone else that was not known about...And that was obviously because Leonard would do anything to stop him from doing this!

Since having lost his mother and the first time he thought of running away, all these points of being on his own feet had been on his mind.

Knowing where he could borrow money and where he could go to get materials had already been something decided upon before leaving Leonard's family.

He had wanted to stand on his own two feet another way but of course had planned for running away nonetheless...And all the preparing for it had come in handy!

His other identity was also something that was ready within just a day or two as his 'documents' had been secured within Benjamin's trading post!

Finally, after all this time, it was now a brand-new type of life...And now he was his own boss!

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