chapter 7: leaving konoha

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we spent several months together and i had learned besides our teacher none of us were really loyal to konoha which wasn't really surprising hinata had cut all ties with the hyuga's and haku was never apart of the village to begin with before joining the team so i was glad i could i count on them to come with me...... that was when i realized would i even be allowed to take the two girls with me i hoped so, they were important to me now

"alright listen up, you will be taking part in the chunin exams here are the sign up slips" yugao said she wasn't really asking because she didn't need to, she knew her squad extremely well by now she also knew if something happened to the current hokage well, they just lost a very skill team in the process

we took the slips signed them and gave them back

"very good, i expect to see one of you three winning the exams and all three of you receiving a promotion to chunin" she said we nodded already knowing this 

"HAI SENSEI" came the expected reply, they already knew they had the position secure the moment they signed up, they also knew who was winning the tournament and he was standing right beside them

"this may actually prove challenging" i said

i would be proven ninety percent wrong

as i was chasing after konohamaru who had managed to piss me off........................... again

i found him being held in the air by what can be best described as a make-up cat man

"drop him or die" i ordered releasing a tail of the kyubi's chakra for good measure seeing this he did as he was told immediately and stepped back in fear not expecting to meet another one, as konohamaru knew he wasn't wanted and ran off

"good boy" i said as i reigned in my chakra this then a third appeared this one had blood red hair and a giant gourd on his back

"i'm gaara of the desert who are you" gaara asked after introducing himself

"naruto uzukaze, the chimera" i said his eyebrow raised

"mother fears you, but also wants your blood" gaara said

"good luck with that, tell your so called mother i look forward to taking it as mine" i said as i walked away from gaara

the next day me and my team met and we entered the testing building finding the a genjutsu on the second floor all three of us were disgusted as we moved onto the real entrance on the third floor

i found a man called kabuto spouting off information about me to the uchiha and instantly appeared in front of him

"i don't know how you got your information, and i don't care, you have impressed me with your information gathering so you may keep your life, continue to tell others my capabilities and i will not be so merciful" i said as i shunshined back to my team, but the message had it's intended affect as the man stopped telling others about me he wouldn't say a word about my teammates either figuring the same applied to them he was right

after that we were given instructions on the exam

as the test started i stood from my seat and shunshined behind one of the proctors and held a kunai to his throat

"give me the answers or die, and i will take them from your corpse" i whispered in his ear much to everyone's shock at my speed in skill, the proctor did give me the answers and i put them on my sheet and and gave the answers to my team who also turned their tests in

 "tch" ibuki said annoyed but he let it go, their weren't any rules to the test that was the point, it was to see how well you could gather information, that is one method you can use in doing so

we were then given the so called tenth question many of the teams obviously backed out in fear of never being able to become chunins

after that we were led to the forest of death by anko once we were released

"we kill any team we come across we will stockpile scrolls and wipe out the competition" i ordered

"HAI" the two girls said safe to say we passed that test with flying colors and their was also many corpses around the forest some were even fellow konoha nin, did we care, not in the slightest

when the second part of the exams started it was a slaughter everyone who we fought against lost very quickly except for my fight with neji hyuga i dragged that fight out and i was brutal i made sure he knew who the better was and it wasn't him

sasuke didn't show up for his match during the finals so i got to fight gaara

it didn't take long before shukaku was out, and the invasion of konoha began

"kit use your vistamp on shukaku" kurama ordered

"what" i asked

"trust me" he said i did as he said and the tailed beast was gone as soon as stamped it

"wow what happened" i asked

"i'll tell ya later kit" kurama said as gaara collapsed to the ground his sand also falling to the ground

well there's that i said as i left i soon found a bubble i was a tad confused but shrugged as i easily shattered it using the kyubi's chakra what i found was an escaping orochimaru and a dead hiruzen sarutobi

"and my last attachment is now gone" i muttered

that very night i informed yugao, of my, hinata's, and haku's resignation as ninja and we left

the first place we went was to kumo wherein we easily captured yugito and by kurama's request i stamped the tailed beast within her before releasing her it was a little more difficult obtaining the eight-tails but we did succeeds after which we left for kiri we defeated the hokage aiding the rebellion and i stamped the three-tails before leaving and heading for iwa where i was able to stamp the four-tails then we caught and stamped the five-tails before leaving we then found the six-tails and stamping him before finding the seven tails a girl named fuu i did stamp her tailed beast but we also agreed to take her with us

after that i was met by a blinding light

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