The show must go on... I guess?

30 1 1

"Really? Ollie, you can skip out on performing tonight, just make sure Sergei doesn't find out," you say to the pink haired man, his electric blue eyes a bit duller than usual. "But vhat are jou going to do for his part of the show?" Lutz asked. "Remember the back up script I had? Where we present he's escaped? And I have to calm down the audience? I'm gonna do that," you explained as you pulled your (h/c) hair into a bun on the top of your head.
Finally, 8:30 came and the audience piled in. Xiao and Francois collecting the money, Xiao occasionally growling at small children. He did have very sharp teeth. "Welcome! One and all! To the Freak show!" You started. Suddenly, Kuro ran on stage, one ear gauge out, the skin flapping (?) around. This earns a chorus of "ewws!" And gagging. He whispers something in your ear. Nothing of importance, just the cliché muttering sound of whispering. You widen your eyes and take of your top hat. Matt has the same thing happen to him and he announces "Ladies and gentlemen! Do not be alarmed, but one of our *cough* creatures, has escaped! Do not panic! As long as you do NOT swear, you will be fine!" He explains, earning a couple of relived sights from the panicked audience. You hear Ollie laugh into a mic from backstage and Lutz shout "GOT HIM!". "Now," you say "shall we continue our trip?" You take the hand of a child in the front of the line of people. You give her mother a reassuring look and walk forward, the child in the middle of you and Matt. "First up, we have the tattooed man and the bearded lady!" You gestured to Kuro and Ming. "I believe you have met our friend Kuro. But I bet you didn't think our other friend, Ming would be pretty did you?" Matt said. Kuro took out a gauge and Ming elbowed him in the gut, saying "Behold, the man who will make you loose half your lunch and tomorrow's breakfast all in one go!" Kuro said in reply, "Behold, the lady who has to brush her facial hair" you stifled your laughter and covered Matts mouth to stop him from having a laugh attack. "Eww! He bit me!" You exclaim suddenly, pulling your hand away from Matts mouth and wiping it on your skirt. "Let's continue, eh?" Matt said, walking into the next tent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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