Page 1 chapter 1

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The bell rang and class began, the entire time Kokonoi and Inui were staring at Takemichi how could such beauty exist? Izana however noticed this, obviously the two didn't know. Izana worried for Takemichi he didn't want what happened to Takemichi last year to happen again. He hoped that he was thinking all wrong. Once the bell rang Takemichi got up with Izana and headed towards their next class, he had the next one with Emma so he wouldnt be alone.

Izana: "Ok bye michi see you at break."

Takemichi: "Bye Bye."

He started walking to his next class when he finally saw Emma. They greeted eachother and headed into the classroom. And surely enough Koko and Inui were there.

Inui: ''He's adorable.''

Kokonoi: ''No need to tell me.''

Inui: ''Whatever, also i think he's related to Toman.''

Kokonoi: ''What! How can an angel be in a gang?!

Inui:''Toman is full of suprises besides this can be good. We'll get to know more about who he is and get info while making him fall in love with us.''

Kokonoi: ''Hmm fine but we need to find a way to get close to him, it's like his friends are circling him like a a merry go round , they never let him get out of their sight just like right now *points at Emma who's looking like she's about to rip anyone's head of if they try to hurt Takemichi*. See, i wanna find out more about him but how can we when we have a pack of wolves in our way?''

Inui: '' Please your over reacting I'm sure once we find the most naivest in the group we'll earn their trust. And we need to keep our relationship secret here.''

Kokonoi:'' Ok ok fine but i wonder if none of them are, while we were spectating some of their gang fights even at the end when they won they were still stiff as fu- .''  

Inui: ''The fights were intense of course they were besides i have a feeling that this will go perfectly theirs no way they can find out our plans anyway.''

Kokonoi: ''Yeah yeah although  Mikey and Izana are smart and quick witted they'll find out in seconds if not maybe as soon as they see us ! Heck maybe Izana might have already caught up to us this isn't normal you know! The boy we love is guarded by to gang leaders and the captains of their gangs!''

Inui: ...... 

Kokonoi: Sorry for lashing out on you it's just that as much as we love the boy its to risky.''

Inui: ''The good thing about this is that he's acquainted with Toman so its the same situation if we get in trouble but instead the gang fights will be earlier.''

Kokonoi:''Your right als-.''


The bell just rang and everyone quieted down the places of where they sat were like this.

BACK                                 RANDOM GIRL               RANDOM GIRL         RANDOM BOY         RANDOM  BOY  

MIDDLE                        RANDOM BOY                 INUI                              KOKONOI                         RANDOM GIRL

MIDDLE                  TAKEMICHI                   EMMA                              RANDOM GIRL                     RANDOM GIRL

FRONT                    RANDOM BOY                  RANDOM BOY                RANDOM BOY                RANDOM GIRL


                                               I know it's a lot of randoms hehe but i didnt know hat else to call 

                                              The others so yeah.

Teacher: Ok class we have a project to do ill call out the groups and make yourself known to your members. So first we have  -------------------- then -------------------- and ----------------------- finally Takemichi, Emma, Inui and Kokonoi

Kokonoi:'' I guess god is on our side.''

Inui and Kokonoi introduce themselves to the other two and immediately got along with eachother. Inui was extremely happy along with Kokonoi their plan was going along smoothly just like they wanted.

594 words*

It was love at first sight    Kokonoi x Inui x TakemichiWhere stories live. Discover now