Chapter 1

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Cale was a man- no, teen, who had lived an unexpectedly horrible life. He was a trash, the one who could never go a day without alcohol, the one who throws bottles and everything he sees at innocents.

The disgrace of the ever so kind Count Henituse.

If he had to decide whether he would rest peacefully or save his family from the upcoming wars that will happen... He would not know what to choose.

He wants to rest, to be free from all the pain he'd suffered and endured. It was as if the world was putting its wrath on him and punishing him for something that he was clueless about.

On the other side, he wanted to save his family. To be able to see them smile, and live longer and happier with each other.

Yes, with eachother. Not with Cale.

He, Cale, was just a burden to his family. To the family name. The Territory, county, everything.

He did not have his father's brown hair, instead, he looked and had his mother's looks.

Not that he complained, he loved his mother so much he would die for her at least 100 times. Perhaps, it was the despair he felt when his father did not dare talk nor look at him. The neglect he had to endure because of how he looked. Because he simply looked like his mother... His beloved mother...

He missed her So much he couldn't describe it.

Why couldn't he just join her? Be happy with her? Be with her again?

The gods really must hate Cale... Huh?


" Ron. " Cale voiced out to his butler, who simply smiled at him, like always, and replied

" Yes, young master? " Ron was staring at him, obviously,

" Tell Father I won't be joining them for dinner. " Cale sighed and started walking away from the butler in a hasty manner, the Butler simply nodding and answering with an 'Alright, young master.'

The servants and maids, attempting to walk away and not be in Cale's presence, murmured slurs and rude words about Cale.

Cale had gotten used to it already, how could he not? He had been keeping up with them for roughly 8 years! He was 16, damn it! The rumors have spread wider and wider ever since he had started drinking, which was about a year ago.

Wait. Now that he remembered...

Tomorrow was the anniversary of when his beloved mother died.


Cale shut his door harshly, the thud that came right after was loud and it was as if he was angry, but he wasn't.

He supposed that it was only the grief taking up on him. It was, after all, tomorrow when his mother died.

The sudden carriage incident that happened to be the reason she had died had shaken Cale so much he couldn't cry.

Instead, he pulled his sobbing and grieving father into a tight and 'warm' hug to attempt to comfort him. His heavy breaths back then were clear, but his father did not realize that due to the loud cries he was producing.

It was understandable, his father was grieving.

Cale closed his door firmly, the resulting thud loud in the silent hallway. He wasn't really angry, he knew his emotions were just getting the better of him. Tomorrow would be the one-year anniversary of his mother's death. She had died in a freak carriage accident, and Cale still hadn't been able to bring himself to cry. The grief was threatening to overwhelm him.

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