10. Turn Of Events

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Maybe Alexander acted too impulsively because on his way back to the office he thought about his decision and instantly regretted it.

He didn't want another psychologist but he knew that if he continued to see her as her client then he would definitely lose his fucking mind. That much was true.

While driving the man sighed loudly, thinking about the effort he would need to put in to finding a new psychologist and quite frankly he wasn't interested in doing so but if he really wanted to improve his behaviour then this was something he genuinely needed to do.

It felt like he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He knew Valentina simply wouldn't waver when it came to the policies and procedures she needed to follow so that was going to make this whole ordeal so difficult for him.

Now that she wasn't his medical professional anymore he didn't need to worry about that but he loved the challenge. He wanted her to break those rules for him. He wanted her to be torn, wondering what she'd do next.

Trying to figure out which road to take. Not knowing that all roads would inevitably lead to the same destination.

Would she stand firm on her beliefs and follow the rules and regulations that were set in place for someone in her position or would she walk down that path on wobbly legs, with the fear of caving at any moment.

His grip around the steering wheel tightened and he raised his hips slightly, adjusting in his seat to become more comfortable. Alexander was annoyed and frustrated, his large shoulders tense.

If his brothers were at work right now he wouldn't even have bothered going back, he would've gone straight home but he just simply couldn't do that right now.

This certainly was a drastic turn of events, one he hadn't anticipated due to his impulsivity. Henry and Jacob were scheduled to fly back within the next forty eight hours.

Thank fuck.

Alexander was no therapist but if there was one thing the man had studied over the past few years, it was women. That study came to him naturally and he did it involuntarily.

He knew Valentina was in fact affected, contrary to her calm and nonchalant demeanour.

The look in her eyes is what gave it all away, people could often mask their true feelings with blank facial expressions but their eyes never lied.

The eyes were the window to the soul — and that saying wasn't just futile words. They were true.

Then like one would flip a light switch, something flipped inside of his brain. Call it an epiphany if you will.

He knew exactly what he was going to do moving forward. He was going to make Valentina an offer she simply couldn't refuse.


"Repeat that." Valentina exhaled, trying to establish whether or not she was hearing things and her mind was playing silly tricks on her or if she actually heard correctly.

"Do I really need to? I'm almost certain you heard me clearly the first time." Alexander said, leaning back in his chair while he held the phone against his ear.

The woman sighed softly, rubbing her temples to alleviate the dull ache forming. "Do you really think that's a good idea Alexander? Answer me truthfully, how do you expect me to help you with your behavioural issues if your judgement is clouded by attraction and most probably lust."

"Lust you say?" He chuckled, she was enthralled by his accent. "So you are aware of the strong feelings I have for you. Is it that obvious?" He asked rhetorically, not expecting an answer. "Only thing I desperately want to know, is do you feel the same?"

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