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Yes, I lied to you.  Why should I apologize?  You did it more than me, so why should I do it?
You already regretted that you contacted me, because in your opinion I am a bitch.
I play with people's feelings, and I think only about myself. Yes, maybe I'm like that because I'm good.

I'm a liar, because I lied. I played with your feelings. Because I wanted to. I'm a bitch.
I think only of myself, I love only myself. Isn't it wonderful?.
I wrapped you around my finger. I'm a liar that I lied so brazenly.
I am a liar

Reached sweet heights. About which ordinary people do not know. Even tell them, they will scream: "you are stupid, you lied to me!"
Life is so sweet, like candy. In this world, love is just nothing.

Do you think if you don't like me I'll cry at night? You're wrong. I'm a liar that I did everything in my own way. What do you say?

I'm a liar, because I lied. I played with your feelings. Because I wanted to. I'm a bitch.
I think only of myself, I love only myself. Isn't it wonderful?.
I wrapped you around my finger. I'm a liar that I lied so brazenly.
I am a liar

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