Neteyam X Fem Reader

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This was a request by the user cereal1257

"Thank you for helping us since we have been here. It's been an honor to be allowed here." Jake says as he is with you, Tsireya, Aonung and Tsireya in a hut.

"Especially after what happened." Neytiri says.

"Not a problem Mr. and Mrs. Sully. We don't mind helping." Tsireya says.

"Besides you're part of our clan now as our dad said." Aonung says.

"Thank you again Y/N for saving our son Neteyam as well. We know it was not easy making a mixture to heal the wound." Jake says.

"My pleasure. I pride myself in learning new ways of medicine. I'm just happy I was able to help him in time." You say kindly as you smile.

"We owe you our son's life for that. Truly thank you." Neytiri says as she smiles at you.

"Not a problem." You say kindly.

"Mom, dad!" A voice shouts revealing to be Lo'ak, Spider, Tuk, Neteyam and Kiri walking over.

"Speaking of our kids here they come now. Off exploring again are you?" Jake asks as his kids come walking over.

"Um well I should uh be going." You say nervously as you begin to head for the exit of the hut.

"What? Why?" Kiri asks curiously.

"Hey Aonung, Tsireya, Y/N. Good to see you guys." Spider says kindly.

"You too. Thought I thought you were gonna wait for us to go with you." Aonung says as he looks at Lo'ak.

"We were but we didn't think Y/N would wanna go. Didn't wanna make her uncomfortable." Lo'ak says as he looks at you before Neteyam looks over at you curiously causing you to blush.

"Me? Uncomfortable? Please." You say nervously.

"Are you okay?" Neteyam asks as you blush and give a nervous look as he moves closer toward you.

"Fine. Yeah. Anyway uh I gotta go. Bye." You say as you quickly run out of the hut and over to the docks a ways away.

"Y/N that was not nice." Tsireya says as she comes running over to you.

"I can't help it Tsireya. I just dont know how to act with him." You say as you look at Tsireya.

"You can't hide it forever you know." Tsireya says.

"Watch me. Besides he probably doesn't even notice me." You say as you sigh.

"Y/N that is not true. Neteyam asks about you a lot. I'm sure you two would get along well." Tsireya says.

"That's not why I'm avoiding him and you know it." You say as you cross your arms.

"Please sister. Just try and make nice with him. Besides the feeling won't stop unless you confront it." Tsireya says as you look at her.

"Yeah. I know. Anyway I'm gonna head for a walk. I'll be home later." You say as you look away.

"Alright. Just Be careful." Tsireya says as you nod and walk off.


"I know little one. I know. I'm doing my best. Please be still." You say as you are later in the water trying to free a creature who's has its fin trapped in some coral.

"Want some help there?" A voice asks revealing to be Neteyam standing on some rocks nearby.

"Neteyam?" You ask in surprise as you see Neteyam.

"Wow. So you do know my name." Neteyam says as you pin your ears back in annoyance as Neteyam laughs slightly.

"Very funny." You say annoyedly.

"Sorry. Couldn't help it. You don't exactly always seem to wanna be around me so I couldn't help it." Neteyam says as he chuckles and smiles causing you to blush.

"Why are you here?" You ask.

"Just came to talk." Neteyam says.

"Well as you can see I'm a little busy." You say as you struggle to free the creature.

"You're not gonna get that creature out like that. Least not by yourself." Neteyam says.

"I don't need help." You say sternly.

"Look I just wanna talk. If I help you get the creature free would you be willing to listen to me after?" Neteyam asks.

"And why should I accept that help?" You ask as you continue to pull at the coral trapping the creature.

"Because it's gonna be eclipse soon and our parents will kill us if we're out past it." Neteyam says.

"Fine. Deal." You say as you sigh in defeat before Neteyam jumps into the water and swims over to you.

"Okay you distract it. I'll get it loose." Neteyam says as you nod and begin petting the creature as Neteyam pulls its fin loose from the coral it was stuck between.

"You did it. There you go fella. You're free now." You say as you and Neteyam watch the creature swim off before swimming to shore yourselves.

"See? Now was that so bad?" Neteyam asks as you and him walk out of the water and onto the sand.

"No but what did you wanna talk about? A deal is a deal." You say as you turn to look at Neteyam.

"Well first I wanted to know why you act like you do around me. You avoid me and act nervous and then when you do talk to me you act like you can't wait to get away from me. I just wanna know if I done something to you. If I did I will apologize." Neteyam says.

"You think that?" You ask in surprise.

"Yeah. So why are you acting like this?" Neteyam asks.

"You really didn't notice?" You ask curiously.

"Notice what?" Neteyam asks curiously.

"That I like you. I act like that because I felt nervous to say anything. So I thought it better to avoid you and the feeling would go away. But it didn't." You say as you look down.

"You like me?" Neteyam asks in surprise.

"Yeah. Gonna make fun of me?" You ask.

"No. Why would I do that?" Neteyam asks curiously.

"Because I'm strange? I'm not exactly what you expect of a chief's kid." You say as you shrug.

"Well neither am I. Besides I like that you're a little strange." Neteyam says kindly as he blushes.

"You do?" You ask curiously.

"Yeah. So all that for having a crush on me huh?" Neteyam asks as he smiles playfully.

"You're not gonna let me live this down for a bit are you?" You ask as you chuckle.

"Not really. But I like you too though." Neteyam says as he chuckles and smiles.

"Really?" You ask as you blush.

"Yeah. So you wanna hang out tomorrow after our duties are done?" Neteyam asks curiously.

"I'd like that." You say kindly as you smile.

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