☆~Chapter 16~☆ (Heizou)

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As Me And Scara Get To Our Room In Wangshu Inn. Scara Was Constantly Cratteling Yae Miko. I Had To Support Him All The Way Here. As I Set Scara Down His Eyes Looked So.. So Lifeless.

Heizou: Scar-

As I Was Cut Of Scara Start Hyperventilating. His Breathing Become More Eratic. Only Thing I Could Think Of Was That He Liked Rubbing Circles On His Back. As I Did His Breathing Slowed. Tears Stained His Face. As I Cleaned Them Up I Got Some Clothes Out For Us To Wear. As Scara Got He Handed My Yae Miko. He Then Went Into The Bathroom And Got Dressed And So Did I. As We Snuggled In Bed Miko Between Us I Fell Asleep.

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