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Another day, another fruitless attempt at contacting Adam.

But first a quick rundown.

Since Krane's attack and the subsequent exposure of the bionics, a week has passed. And this week was nothing but weird.

First of all, the bionics weren't yet allowed to return to school as the government had still things to sort out with them. Secondly, Jordyn also was prohibited from attending school due to her concussion, which required rest and the avoidance of strenuous physical or mental activity. Thirdly, Jordyn had to relocate out of the Davenports' home because, to everyone's dismay, more agents were pouring in and out on a daily basis. Therefore, Tasha had made it her mission to come over and care for her whenever she could.

But all this wasn't reason for Jordyn's heightened anxiety in the past few days. Instead, it was the fact that throughout her whole recovery, her contact was solely limited to Tasha, Donald, Leo and Douglas.

Even weirder, Chase also kept himself updated on her condition as Leo told her during one of their calls.

Quite the opposite was the case with her supposed best friend, Adam. Whenever Joe tried calling Adam, she would always be sent to his mailbox. Additionally, every single of her texts was left on delivered.

She had no idea what had happened to cause his sudden indifference toward her and she would be lying if she said she didn't analyze every single bit of conversation they have held before the incident. But still, she found nothing.

Jordyn wanted to blame herself, but it was hard since she didn't know what for.

However, today would be the day.

It was not only her first day back in school but also the bionics – a perfect opportunity to reunite with her friends, as well as clear things up with Adam.

Right now, she stood at her locker, looking at her reflection in the small mirror. Recognizing the wrinkles on her forehead, she reminded herself to calm down and stop worrying. But as time progressed, and there was still no sign of her friends, Jordyn couldn't stop herself from frowning.

As a distraction, Jordyn picked a concealer from her make-up bag and started to cover the dark rings under her eyes. They weren't uncommon to her and they didn't bother her as much as a few months back but she still chose to make an effort at concealing them before important events.

She just finished blending it in, when all students started moving toward the entrance and swarmed around the doors. Must be something major, Jordyn thought as she gently shut her locker and walked after the others.

It quickly became way too overwhelming when more and more students appeared from all sides and pushed and pressed to get to the front. While Jordyn did pride herself on having learned how to handle crowds, it didn't mean that her fear was completely lost. This moment was a great example of it.

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