|Lost Lives| an AE one-shot

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      Countries and people come and go, Austrian Empire knows that for a fact. But still, when it comes to saying goodbyes, especially to those close friends and families of his, he couldn't handle it.

      Today, when he sat outside in his garden, taking a sip out of his cup of red tea, his favorite, which was also his son's favorite. He thought about all of those that he lost, and at the same time, loved. At first, it was his father Holy Roman Empire. It wasn't really painful to watch him go. Mabey it's because he didn't treat him much as a son. But still, does he miss him? Yes, of course, he was his father after all, and AE would love to have a better relationship with him. Then, after a long time, his adopted brother Prussia left. Their relationship... Isn't easy to describe, it's love, but then followed by hate. Austrian Empire loves him, but still, it is hard to not hate him either. The wars that happened between them are countless and usually lasted for a long time. He knows that if he tried harder, he could be a better brother. And if he was more supportive, Prussia would get more love and would be happier... Why couldn't she be better? It would make his brother's life way easier, isn't it already been hard enough for him? Wake up from the past, he's dead, there's no way to change it! Austrian Empire told himself. Prussia is indeed dead, and even the most powerful country couldn't change the past, but still, he wanted to change it... He doesn't want to think about his lost brother anymore, because the more he thinks, the harder it is to get out of those thoughts. The first one that comes to mind is Russian Empire. His past ally wasn't a soft guy, but he could get gentle toward some countries that he trusts. RE wasn't really important to Austrian Empire and became less when he turned against his son, Austria-Hungary during the great war. After all of that, it still bothers him when he passed during the war. And lastly, his son, Austria-Hungary. He might be the last thing he'd live for after all of those AE lost, but now he's gone too... He missed him so much that he would give up all of his authority, his wealth, his land, EVERYTHING in exchange for him. But he knows deep in his heart that the lost ones couldn't come back. 

      No matter how hard he tries, they are still gone, and he can't do anything to change it. His son is never returning, neither Prussia nor Russian Empire or HRE. No one could return to him, he knew......

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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