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Oh god oh god oh GOD. WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST DO?? Oh my goodness.. I'm hiding but what if they hear me... JESUS CHRIST, SAVE ME.

Hello, whoever is reading this book. I am Test Tube. A worker at Skullz EXP. My boss, Steve, had brought in subjects yesterday for us to test. They were a male and female, 17 and 18. Fan and Lightbulb were their names. We were going to test the capabilities of different bodies. These two signed up for it. They signed the damn waiver, for crying out loud! Anyways, we tested a few things and nothing happened. They could do most anything a normal citizen could. Then, we got an emergency call to test out a new liquid. Dotone. We gave the subjects cups of dotone and told them to drink. They did. Nothing happened. But then I FUCKED UP. We were going to give them another dose of dotone when I accidentally mixed it with an untested material. They drank and we kept them in a testing field for hours until Lightbulb had odd symptoms. She was twitching and her arms were shaking. I watched them. A few hours later, Fan had more severe symptoms. Anxiety attacks and even worse twitching, shivering on the ground of the chamber. Then, I saw their bodies contort and shape until a beam of light shut off the camera and the emergency alarm was set off. I went to check on the subjects. Their chamber was crashed open. They're loose in the facility. I don't know where they are, but I saw Lightbulb earlier and.. I dont even want  to know what Fan looks like...


[280 WORDS]
[Omg omg omg first story!!]

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