The Members As Fathers ☆

52 1 7

Request by: User18517308

All of these are STRICTLY of the characters and NOT the people behind the masks!


The ghouls:

- I feel they would all sorta chime in with one another's kids, like friends would with each other's kids.

- They will bring their kids to their practices, and even try to teach them how to sing/play their instrument.

- For their kids birthday if their kid shows interest in it they would buy them an instrument so they can play too.

- They make sure their kids are heard and if they don't want to pursue music then they won't make them. They want to make sure their kids can follow their own path instead of forcing them to take theirs.

Papa III:

- He can be tough at times, using tough love to make sure his kids don't go haywire, but he doesn't do it to be controlling or mean, but rather to make sure his children don't upset the Clergy and risk them coming for them like they do him and his brothers.

- He will sing little melodys to his kids before bed and makes sure to read them their favorite stories before bed if they ask.

- Terzo likes to keep his kids informed on the history of the Clergy and how it's evolved from generation to generation

- In the end he is the best father he can be and always feels horrible when he does something wrong, or can't be there with his kids.

- He canonly hates himself so he always fears that deep down his kids dislike him too, or that they think he isn't doing his best for them

Cardinal Copia/Papa IV:

- He completely lost his mind when he realized he was expecting a kid soon.
He didn't know anything about caring for a child, and would constantly vent to the mother his worries about messing up.

- He ended up knowing a lot more then he thought, and was all over making sure the mom got as much breaks as she needed by taking care of the kids instead.

- He loves spending time with his kids and will get distressed if he spends too long without them. They gave him another purpose in life and without that he feels empty.

- He makes sure they are educated on the Clergy history like Terzo did for him before Copia became papa, so if his kids ever wanted to become one they could be aware of what to expect.

- If his kids are upset or fighting with one another he'd gently calm them by humming a tune or making jokes to get them in a better mood before having them talk it out.

- He is a firm believer in letting them go down the path they want to take instead of forcing them into what others want like he was.

- He always makes sure he gives them all the attention they deserve and need and respects them and encourages then for everything they do unlike what he got when he was younger/now from Nihil and Sister.


Hopefully this isn't completely horrible since I didn't have as many ideas 💔

But requests are still open if anyone has any other ideas they want written out! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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