Chapter 3:

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 I was up just 5 hours later and ate my other turkey sandwich for breakfast as well as an apple

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 I was up just 5 hours later and ate my other turkey sandwich for breakfast as well as an apple.

The gate was still locked. I called Jen, the ranch manager, and she drove down and let me in. The scenery was stunning, tall mountains covered in bright green foliage from all the spring rain surrounded the ranch.

"Monroe! It's so great to finally meet you. We might have a small issue though. We typically only hire male wranglers, and on your application we thought you were a guy. I will have to talk to the owner to see what we can do, because we only have one bunkhouse"

"Nice to meet you too! Feel free to just call me Roe, Monroe feels way to formal for me and I am very adaptable so I am happy to help work things out"

Oh shit. I may have brothers but I have never lived with news guys before. This is sure going to be an adventure.

"Of course. Your'e the first to arrive, but your other two co-workers should be here shortly"

She starts up the UTV and starts her drive towards the house, and subsequently the bunkhouses.

I start my truck and follow her up the driveway. The green grass, flat top mountains are stunning. We quickly approached the large ranch house with a wrap-around porch, and the smaller bunkhouse tucked away behind the house, next to the horse corral.

She parks in front of the building and I follow her and then hop out of the truck. She leads inside the bunkhouse. It's a small wooden cabin with 2 bunk beds, a couple of dressers, a beat up old loveseat and a small bathroom attached with an incredibly small shower.

"We'll have you stay in here for now, the owner comes back tomorrow and we will see what she wants to do then. I'll give you some time to settle in and your coworkers should be here soon"

I grab my bags out of the truck and choose the lower bunk closest to the window overlooking the lake.

I hear the low rumble of a truck before I see the old, red ford pickup. Two of the hottest guys I have ever seen hop out and start talking towards Jen. They talked for a bit while I watched them out of the window, in an almost stalking way.

Eventually I decided to join them.

"Roe! This is Taavi and Eli, they're from Kansas and they are going to be your coworkers for the summer!"

"Hey guys! Super stoked to be here this summer" I proclaim, as I make brief eye contact with the most beautiful guy I have ever seen. His eyes a vibrant blue, and his jawbone perfectly chiseled. Yet he had a scruffy look about him, his hair was a little overgrown and his hair was sun bleached on the parts that peaked out from under his hat.

I can read the guy next to him like a book. He has a shorter haircut and that typical brown hair color that most teenage male actors in 2011 had. He had a friendlier look about him, which was confirmed by his quick response: "Us too! Such a rad place, and I think we're gonna have some awesome adventures"

I glance over at Taavi and he is zoning out, captured by the awe of the surrounding mountains. I can't get a good read on this guy, it's so frustrating.

"Well I will leave y'all to get settled in. Guests will be arriving in three days, so until then I will let yall get unpacked, familiar with your surroundings and your routine. Also each wrangler is assigned two project horses for the summer. I will show you them after lunch, which is at noon in the main house. See you then." Jen says as she begins to walk towards her UTV.

"I wasn't told there would be a girl bunking with us," Taavi exclaimed in an almost rude manner.

I responded in a snarky tone "On my application they thought I was a guy, we only discovered the mistake this morning"

"Ehh whatever ... lets get exploring!" Eli exclaims, slicing the tension between Taavi and I.

We all walk into the bunkhouse and the boys claim their beds on the other bunk bed. We unpack and chat for the next hour. After that we went to explore.

The ranch is huge, it has one bunkhouse and then 6 cabins for guests, as well as the huge main house where Jen and her boyfriend stay, as well as the owner and her family whenever they're around. There are about 20 horses in the corral and probably another 30 in the pasture behind. Everything looks so picturesque, I can't get enough. 

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